The Mark Twain Forum is for persons having a scholarly interest in the life and writings of Mark Twain. Postings may include queries, discussion, conference announcements, calls for papers, information on new publications, or anything else that is related to Mark Twain studies. For a detailed instruction guide, send a message to LISTSERV@YORKU.CA with the single line: GET TWAIN-L WELCOME TWAIN-L was created 24 April 1992 on LISTSERV after having been run manually since early March 1992. The following persons are subscribed to the Mark Twain Forum:
The Mark Twain Circle is soliciting papers for MLA’s 2026 conference in Toronto. In keeping with the President’s theme of “Family Resemblances,” we invite papers that explore resemblances within two broad categories, possibly using these suggestions. Other categories and topics are of course welcome.
Does this mean you will have to attend MLA? If so, you have my sympathy.
Janie and I are thinking of heading into Monmouth one of these evenings for dinner at a very good Italian Restaurant. Would you and the lovely Michelle be interested in joining us? d
On Mon, Feb 17, 2025 at 8:43 AM James E Caron <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Dinner sounds like a plan. I will be searching for someone to volunteer to moderate the panel. Right now I am just responsible for putting it together. 🤨 jc
JE Caron, Emeritus, University of Hawaii at Manoa "Satire as the Comic Public Sphere" now in paperback <> I4KEp6GfxdTDX3Wr6Q.a42aJc-PMwXf49q2yqlL-ZUoA2KhDzb1uXzuNzcjEoY&qid=1722263259&sr=1-1 <>
wishing to find calm he sits on the mountain top thunder overhead
It’s now an audiobook, available from Youtube: AND
I've been hacking away on this site for a couple of weeks now and I think I've got a better version running. If you've tried to access it recently you may have noticed some down times and possible error messages. These were all due to my lack of knowledge in regards to the Amazon Web Service systems. Consequently it took some time to figure it out, and many mistakes. In case you'd like to keep up to date on my latest additions and modifications there is an RSS feed available that summarizes most things from the preceding 30 days.
This was sent to me by my administration at Seton Hall Preparatory School today:
"In the never-ending arms race of cheating and catching cheating, the site, TwainGPT <>, can take text produced by AI and "Humanize" it so that Turnitin and GPTZero cannot detect AI at all.”
I wish it known that for almost three years, our English Department has banned the use of AI in all major writing assignments. The essays are done by hand, in a class period.
Thanks so much for your work. I remember my days 1973-4-5 trying to deal with student papers obviously stolen and when I spent the time to show/prove thefts there was no reward, just time lost in the pursuit for tenure.
Thank you for your kind words, Jim. As you can appreciate, it takes more time than ever before to foster a love of learning through developing critical thinking skills in reading and by physically holding a book, not a phone. Read, reflect, and respond are the buzzwords to getting them to be effective thinkers, readers, and writers.