Friends and Colleagues:
April 27 will mark the first anniversary of the release of Social
Determinants of Health: The Canadian Facts.
Despite meagre media coverage, the document has been downloaded 28,104
times by an incredibly wide array of governmental agencies, health and
social service institutions, NGOs and other agencies, and individuals.
This seems a good time to give some of the background to its origins and
to include a plea for support.
Juha and I undertook to create Social Determinants of Health: The Canadian
Facts because it had become clear that no agency or organization was
willing to create such a document nor was willing to provide funding to
assist in its production.
The funds for creation of the document ($2,500) came from my personal
research account at York University. York provides faculty members with
$1,000 a year to facilitate our research. These monies normally go
towards print cartridges, software, and books.
The $5,800 for production of the 500 print copies we produced was provided
from my personal savings account. We hoped to recoup these funds through
distribution of bound, printed, high resolution copies of Social
Determinants of Health: The Canadian Facts. To date we have recovered
This seems like an appropriate time to ask you to support this work ? and
help me pay for the printed copies ? by purchasing a copy of the printed,
bounded, high resolution copy. I?ll even sign it! Juha is in Helsinksi
for now.
Consider purchasing copy or two of Social Determinants of Health: The
Canadian Factsfor:
a) friends, relatives, or lovers
b) agency or institution heads
c) your agency library
d) your local, provincial/state/federal elected representatives
e) yourself
f) ???
Please consider sending a check of $25.00 for each copy desired made out
Dennis Raphael, The Canadian Facts
62 First Avenue
Toronto, ON M4M1W8
I?ll provide a receipt.
On a related note the National Coordinating Centre for the Determinants of
Health and the National Coordinating Centre for Health Public Policy have
undertaken the task of translating and preparing a French-language version
of Social Determinants of Health: The Canadian Facts. We will keep you
informed as to its progress.
Dennis Raphael, PhD
Professor of Health Policy and Management
York University
4700 Keele Street
Room 418, HNES Building
Toronto, Ontario M3J 1P3
416-736-2100, ext. 22134
email: [log in to unmask]
Of interest:
* NEW * About Canada: Health and Illness
Health Promotion and Quality of Life in Canada: Essential Readings
Social Determinants of Health: Canadian Perspectives, 2nd edition,
Forewords by Carolyn Bennett and Roy Romanow
Poverty and Policy in Canada: Implications for Health and Quality of Life
Foreword by Jack Layton
Staying Alive: Critical Perspectives on Health, Illness, and Health Care,
2nd edition
Foreword by Gary Teeple
See a lecture! The Politics of Population Health
Also, presentation on Politics and Health at the Centre for Health
Disparities in Cleveland Ohio
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