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Ann Goldblatt <[log in to unmask]>
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Health Promotion on the Internet <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 11 Sep 1998 23:08:34 -0600
text/plain (34 lines)
We are planning an exchange of ideas and experience on October 1 related to
"food security" in Edmonton.  We would value ideas from other parts of the
country (or other countries) to open up our thinking.  Our network brings
together residents and community workers from a number of organizations.

We are very familiar with the model of "collective kitchens", and have quite
a few around the city, but would like to explore a wider variety of
strategies which bring people together to provide food for themselves and
their families in low income communities.

Many find it difficult to commit to the monthly planning and cooking format
of the collective kitchens, and variations on the model are emerging.

We are beginning to see an expansion of community gardening but getting land
has been a challenge.

We would welcome your ideas of what is working.  If you have time to add
some comments, it would be useful to know why you think it is working well,
what is challenging and why, what resources have proved useful, who is
participating and what roles people are playing.

There's a good initiative underway here which is coming to a peak next week.
"Apple Turnover" has grown .. so to speak .. out of an idea to use the
overabundance of apples in seniors' yards in a particular neighbourhood.
Youth will help pick the apples and a major cook-off is planned which will
bring the community together, take advantage of a local resource and
introduce recipes/cooking/baking skills.  The organizers will be coming
October 1 and we can pass on their experience.

THANK YOU IN ADVANCE for your experience!  Glad to share what comes up here
if you are interested.
