> From: Melina Auerbach <[log in to unmask]>
> To: [log in to unmask]
> I am a community developer working with the mulitcultural advisory
> committee with the Vancouver Richmond Health Board. And I too would be
> very interested in hearing about multicultural resources that people
> have developed....what about if we start compiling any known health
> resource lists that are current?
I wonder if someone could summarize the discussion and produce all the
places that have this stuff and make it accessible on the web and include
other information such as "family law- Ontario" etc.
When I get a call from the shelter in two months to assist a women who has
left an abusive partner and wants to know about abortion services and does
not speak English, I will not be able to find this discussion, so I can not
help but be struck by the need to have it on the web and accessible to
print out if needed.
Again is not the new health information thingie doing this?
Sherrie Tingley
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