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Canadian Network on Health in Development <[log in to unmask]>
Francoise Obissier <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 19 Mar 2001 15:25:11 -0500


Every year the Governments of the countries of the Americas, acting through
their representatives in the meetings of the Governing Bodies of the Pan
American Health Organization, confer the PAHO Award for Administration in
recognition of an outstanding contribution in the field of administration
within the framework of national health services.
This Award dates back to 1969, when the Executive Committee of PAHO, in its
61st. Meeting, accepted a generous grant from Dr. Stuart Portner, former
Chief of Administration of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau, to institute
an annual award for the purpose of contributing to the improvement of
health administrative systems.
The procedures and criteria for conferring the Award were approved by the
XVIII Pan American Sanitary Conference in 1970. The Chairman of the
Executive Committee of PAHO was charged with appointing a three-member A
ward Committee to choose the recipient, during the sessions of the
Executive Committee from among the candidates presented by the Governments.
One year the Award was to be given to an official who had excelled in the
actual administration of health services, and the next year to the author
of the most distinguished work on administration and training in that
With the growing importance of new methods for health administration in the
Region of the Americas, it became clear that these criteria were in need of
revision to reflect a spirit of service to the community and to fit the
social realities of each country. Therefore, the XX Pan American Sanitary
Conference decided in 1978 to modify the procedures and guidelines for
conferring the Award, so that candidates could be considered for
outstanding work in any health field, whether in administration or in
program execution.
The procedures and criteria or guidelines for conferring the Award, as
approved by the XVIII Pan American Sanitary Conference (1970) and as
amended by the XX Pan American Sanitary Conference (1978), the XXVII
Meeting of the Directing Council (1980), the XXIV Pan American Sanitary
Conference (1994), and the 41st. Directing Council (1999), are as follows:
1. To contibute to the improvement of the administration of health programs
the Pan American Health Organization has established the PAHO Award for
Administration, which will be competed for annually and will consist of a
diploma and the sum of US$ 5,000. This sum will be reviewed as appropriate
by the Executive Committee on the recommendation of the Director of the Pan
American Sanitary Bureau.
2. The Award shall be conferred on a candidate who has contributed
significantly to strengthening health development through practice,
teaching, or research in their own country or in the Region of the
3. The Chairman of the Executive Committee shall appoint an Award Committee
consisting of three representatives from Member Governments of the
Executive Committee, who will discharge their duties for the period of
their term of office on the Executive Committee. The Chairman shall fill
any vacancies that occur on the Award Committee. When there are candidates
from countries represented on this Committee, those members shall be
replaced by representatives of other Member Governments of the Executive
Committee to serve on the Award Committee for that occasion only. The
Chairman of the Executive Committee will designate these representatives.
4. The Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau shall invite the Member
Governments to submit one nomination for the Award.
5. The names of candidates shall be submitted by the Member Governments of
PAHO through their ministries of health..
6. The names of proposed candidates shall be submitted to reach the
Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau before 30 March, together with
their curriculum vitae and documentation supporting the nature and quality
of the work done, or of the written work submitted for the Award, as the
case may be. This documentation shall include a brief narrative describing
the impact that the candidate's work has had on health administration in
the person's home country. In order to facilitate the review by the Award
Committee, the required data from each candidate should be presented in the
standardized format provided by PAHO. All documentation shall be submitted
in an original and three copies.
7. The Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau shall forward to the
members of the Award Committee copies of the documentation submitted, 45
days before the date of the opening of the first meeting of the Executive
Committee for the calendar year. In this way, the Award Committee can meet
and decide on the Award recipient during the sessions of the Executive
Committee and report its decision to the latter. The Executive Committee
 shall transmit the decision to the Directing Council of rhe Pan American
Sanitary Conference.
8. Nominations received by the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau
after 30 March shall be held in abeyance for consideration by the Award
Committee the following year.
9. The Award Committee shall have the authority to declare the Award void
in the event that no candidate meets the approved criteria.
10. When in any year only one nomination is received within the time limit
prescribed, the Award Committee shall have the authority to refer that
candidacy for consideration with others received in the ensuing year.
11. Unsuccessful candidates in any one year may be nominated for
consideration once only and in the following year. For such renomination, a
simple communication incorporating any additional pertinent data shall
12. The announcement of the winner of the Award shall be made during the
meeting of the Directing Council or the Pan American Sanitary Conference.
13. Whenever practicable, the Award shall be presented during the
appropriate meeting of the Directing Council or the Pan American Sanitary
Conference, the cost of the travel involved being borne by the government
14. When such presentation is not practicable, alternatives shall include:
15. Receipt of the Award at the meeting of the Directing Council or the Pan
American Sanitary Conference by a member of the delegation of the
recipient's country, on his/her behalf.
16. Presentation made in the home country by the PAHO/WHO Representative on
behalf of the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau.
17. Whatever the method of presentation of the Award may be, it shall be
accompanied by appropriate publicity issued to the news media, both by the
Pan American Sanitary Bureau and the government concerned.
18. The Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau shall request Member
Governments to give more active consideration to the possibility of making
use of the Award to foster administrative improvement within the framework
of the national health services.
19. These general rules and guidelines shall be reviewed at any time, as
deemed appropriate in light of the experience gained. The amendments
approved th be Executive Committee shall be submitted to the Directing
Council or the Pan American Sanitary Conference.
The Award Committee shall judge the relative merits of the candidates with
regard to the following:
* Demonstrated excellence in the managementof health programs at the
national or local level.
* Experience in teaching health program administration that has influenced
health practice nationally or internationally.
* Sustained research production that contributes to improving the delivery
of health programs and services.
Recipients of the PAHO Award for Administration1
2000 Dr. Roberto Fuentes Garcia (Chile).  For his long and fruitful efforts
in the field of public health administration, focusing particularly on
effective management, the quality of care and user satisfaction, and for
his important contribution to the national and international literature on
these areas.
1999 Dr. Ana Flisser Steinbruch (Mexico).  For her work to transform the
network of public health laboratories in her country to support priority
health programs, including administration, teaching, and research.
1998 Dr. Christine Olive Moody (Jamaica).  For her contribution ot the
planning, administration, and leadership of the health services, and her
continuous efforts towards the development of primary health care at the
regional and global levels.
1997 Dr. Eduardo Bernabe Ordaz Ducunge (Cuba).  For his pioneering efforts
in the establishment of rehabilitation programs and the humanization of
hospital care for persons suffering from chronic mental illness.
1996 Ms. Michaela M. Storr (Bahamas).  For her work at the grassroots level
in developing an integrated local health system and for the introduction of
innovative systems for the management of hospitals.
1995 Dr. Hipolito Vergara Munoz (Chile).  Medical Comptroller, Committee on
Preventive Medicine and Disability. For his pioneering work in the field of
community medicine and primary health care, particularly in rural areas.
1994 Dr. Zilda Arns Neumann (Brazil).  Director of the Division of Maternal
and Child Health, Ministry of Health. For her outstanding work in the
administration of programs in a variety of public health fields,
particularly maternal and child health, in both non-governmental and
governmental organizations and at state and national levels.
1993 Dr. Georgina Velasquez Diaz (Mexico).  General Coordinator of the
Solidarity Program, Mexican Institute of Social Security. For her
contribution to the organization and consolidatipon of the administrative
infrastructure and health services of the Solidarity Program.
1992 Dr. Desmond O. N. McIntyre (Dominica).  Former Chief Medical Officer,
Ministry of Health and Social Security. For outstanding work in the area of
health administration.
1991 Prof. Oscar Mateo de Acosta Fernandez (Cuba).  Director, National
Institute of Endocrinology, and Professor of Internal Medicine, University
of Havana. For his outstanding contributions in health research, teaching,
and administration, particularly in the field of endocrinology.
1990 Dr. Pedro Alejandro de Armas H. (Venezuela).  Director of the School
of Medicine, Francisco de Miranda University, Coro, State of Falcon. For
his outstanding work in the area of health administration.
1989 Dr. David Bersch Escobar (Colombia).  Scientific Director, Foundation
for the Development of Health Education. For his outstanding work in
research, teaching and management in the area of health administration.
1988 Dr. Guido Miranda Gutierrez (Costa Rica).  Executive President, Costa
Rican Social Security Fund. For his outstanding contribution to
administration and teaching in the areas of health and social security.
1987 Dr. John E. F. Hastings (Canada).  Professor of Health Administration,
University of Toronto. For outstanding services and publications in the
public health field, especially in administration and research.
1985 Dr. Elizabeth Quamina (Trinidad and Tobago).  Chief Medical Officer,
Ministry of Health and Environment. For her outstanding work in health
planning, administration, and human resources development.
1984 Dr. Manuel Barquin (Mexico).  Professor, School of Medicine, National
Autonomous University. For his exceptional contribution to the improvement
of the health in Mexico and other countries of Latin America, as well as
for his academic achievements in the areas of teaching and research.
1983 Dr. Arnaldo Tejeiro Fernandez (Cuba).  Adviser, National Bureau of
Statistics. For his contributions and the positive social repercussions of
his work as a member of the National Health System.
1982 Dr. Julio Cesar Merida de Leon (Guatemala).  Chief, Tuberculosis
Division, Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare. For his work in
developing and executing programs for the prevention and control of
communicable diseases, and for his influence in strengthening and
modernizing comprehensive health services administration.
1981 Dr. Frederick Burns Roth (Canada).  Professor of Health
Administration, University of Toronto, and President and Chairman of the
Board, Home Care Program for Metropolitan Toronto. For this work in
improving the practice and teaching of health care administration, both
nationally and internationally.
1980 Dr. Jair de Oliveira Soares (Brazil).  Minister of Social Security,
Federal Government. For his contribution to the organization and management
of health sector services in his country, at both the regional and national
1978 Oswaldo Egas Cevallos (Ecuador).  General Director for Health
Planning, Ministry of Public Health. For his work in the administration of
health services.
1977 Dr. Roberto Pereda Chavez (Cuba) (posthumous).  Director, Department
of International Relations, Ministry of Public Health. For the exceedingly
salutary effects of his work on the administration and consolidation of the
National Health System.
1976 Dr. Ernani Guilherme Fernandes da Motta (Brazil).  Superintendant of
the Health Campaigns Superintendency, Ministry of Health. For his work in
administrative management, especially in relation to the meningitis
vaccination campaign.
1975 Mr. Dennis Sanchez Acuna (Costa Rica).  Planning expert in the
Sectoral Unit, Ministry of Health. For his outstanding contribution in
drawing up the National Health Program for 1975-1978, particularly the
methods used to improve the development of administrative resources.
1973 Mr. Guillermo Isturiz (Venezuela).  Founder of the hospital
administration program and of the courses in this discipline at the School
of Public Health. For work in the field of hospital management which is
regarded as the basis for the doctrine and practice in this field and as
having shaped the modern approach to hospital management in Venezuela.
1972 Dr. Eduardo Zapata Salazar (Peru).  Director of Personnel, Ministry of
Health. For his work on the preparation and implementation of a model of a
personnel administration system for the health sector in his country.

1) On the recommendation of the Award Committee, the Award was declared
void in 1971, 1974, 1979 and 1986 because the nominations dis not meet the
approved criteria or because only one nomination was submitted.