Greetings all!
We'd like to invite you all to IHMEC 2000: The Future of Global Health! (Mar
23-26, 2000). At this time, the committee in Vancouver would like to go with
three major themes: 1) Asia-Pacific; 2) Aboriginal Health; and 3) The
Future of Global Health. We invite all members and especially students and
residents who are interested in serving on the program committee.
I'd like to have more workshops, problem-solving oriented approaches and
learning opportunities, and invite all interested participants in proposing
workshops under any of the above themes, or even ones not associated with the
themes! Workshops should be geared to no more than 100 people.
Please send a one-page outline of the proposed workshop, expected size of
group, goals, objectives, and technical requirements to Jeff Heck: Director,
Resident Training Program, Franciscan Hospital Mt. Airy Campus, University of
Cincinnati, College of Medicine, 2446 Kipling Avenue, Cincinnati, OH, ph:
(513)-853-4351, fax: (513)-541-3902, e-mail: [log in to unmask]
THE DEADLINE is: Friday., June 4, 1999 for receipt of workshops.
Warmest regards,
Kevin Chan, MD
Centre for International Health
University of British Columbia
ph: (604)-733-6513
pager: (604)-875-2161
e-mail: [log in to unmask]