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Canadian Network on Health in Development <[log in to unmask]>
Francoise Obissier <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 18 May 2000 14:12:29 -0400
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Synergy-online Summary:

- The CSIH website is moving to a new server
- 6th Edition - The Pink Book: "Epidemiology and
Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases"
- North American Youth Conference - Carleton University,
August 17-19, 2000. Deadline for applicants: June 15, 2000

Sommaire de Synergie-en-direct:

- Le site web de la SCSI change de server
- 6e Edition - Livre rose - Programme national
d'immunisation des Centres pour la prevention et la lutte
contre la maladie
- Congres de la jeunesse de l'Amerique du Nord - Universite
Carleton - 17 au 19 aout 2000. Date limite des candidatures:
15 juin 2000

PAHO News Summary:

-- Border area growing in strategic importance, PAHO Director
says in Hermosillo - News release
CARLETON,  17-19 DE AGOSTO DE 2000 (English summary in

Version francaise suit. -------------------------------------------------------- SYNERGY ONLINE: Bulletins and News Briefs from The Canadian Society for International Health (CSIH) The Canadian Society for International Health gratefully acknowledges the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) for their financial support of Synergy Online. -------------------------------------------------------- CSIH WEBSITE IS MOVING TO A NEW SERVER -------------------------------------------------------- Please note that as CSIH is moving towards a more efficient network, people trying to access our website, or to fill and send a form from the website, may have some difficulties. We are presently unable to add or modify any CSIH webpage; Consequently, and until further notice, Synergy-Online and PAHO News will be published in the previous format. The Canadian Society for International Health thank you for your understanding. -------------------------------------------------------- 6th Edition - The Pink Book: "Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases" ---------------------------------------------------------- The Pink Book from the National Immunization Program of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, contains the latest information in the constantly changing field of immunization. The Pink Book also provides general recommendations on immunization, immunization strategies for health care practices and providers, vaccine recommendations and information on vaccine safety. The 6th edition was revised in January 2000. Four Video Courses - from the 2000 National Immunization Program and Public Health Training Network Satellite Broadcast - Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine- Preventable Diseases, are available. For more information or to order them online, please contact , or by telephone call toll free 1-877-252-1200 (North America). -------------------------------------------------------- NORTH AMERICAN YOUTH CONFERENCE - CARLETON UNIVERSITY, AUGUST 17-19, 2000: -------------------------------------------------------- Carleton University's Centre on North American Politics and Society and the governments of Canada, Mexico and the United States are seeking participants for a North American Youth Conference. The conference will allow future leaders and opinion-makers in North America to connect, enhancing the social dimension of North American partnership. The conference will be organized around three main themes: Cultures in the new North America; Governance across borders; Sustainable Development. The Conference will be held in English, French and Spanish, with simultaneous interpretation. Sessions will be held both in Ottawa, Ontario and in Montreal, Quebec. Conference organizers will cover participants' meals, accommodation, and travel during the three days of the conference (including travel between Ottawa and Montreal). Twelve individuals will be chosen each from Canada, Mexico and the United States to participate in the conference. They are looking for exceptional candidates, between 20 and 30 years old, who have shown a clear potential to act in a leadership position in their communities. For more information, please contact: Dr. Laura Macdonald, Department of Political Science, Carleton University - e-mail: [log in to unmask] -------------------------------------------------------- Version francaise: -------------------------------------------------------- SYNERGIE-EN-DIRECT: Bulletins et nouvelles de la Société canadienne de santé internationale (SCSI) La Société canadienne de santé internationale remercie l'Organisation panaméricaine de la santé (OPS) et l'Agence canadienne de développement international (ACDI) de leur soutien financier envers Synergie-En-Direct. -------------------------------------------------------- LE SITE WEB DE LA SCSI CHANGE DE SERVER -------------------------------------------------------- En raison des travaux de renovation de notre reseau informatique,.l'acces a notre site web, et l'envoi de formulaires via ce site, pourraient ne pas fonctionner. Synergie-en-direct et PAHO News seront publies dans le precedent format jusqu'a ce que tout soit rentre dans l'ordre, car nous ne pouvons pas modifier le site actuellement. La Societe canadienne de sante internationale vous remercie de votre comprehension. --------------------------------------------------------- 6e Edition - Livre Rose - Programme national d'immunisation des Centres pour la prevention et la lutte contre la maladie -------------------------------------------------------- Le Livre Rose contient les informations les plus recentes dans le domaine en constante evolution de l'immunisation. Le Livre Rose prodigue egalement des recommandations d'ordre general sur l'immunisation, des strategies pour ceux qui dispensent et pratiquent des soins medicaux, des recommandations en matiere de vaccinations et des informations sur le risque zero de la vaccination. La sixieme edition a ete revisee en janvier 2000. - Quatre cours sur cassette video - concus par le Programme national d'immunisation 2000 et l'emission de Formation sur la sante publique par reseau satellite - sur l'epidemiologie et la prevention des maladies pour lesquelles un vaccin existe, sont disponibles. Pour toute commande ou information: ou par telephone: Numero gratuit (Amerique du Nord) 1-877-252-1200. -------------------------------------------------------- CONGRES DE LA JEUNESSE DE L'AMERIQUE DU NORD -L'UNIVERSITE CARLETON, DU 17 AU 19 AOUT 2000 - Date limite de candidature: 15 juin 2000 -------------------------------------------------------- Le Centre de la Politique de la Societe nord-americaine de l'Universite Carleton et les gouvernements canadiens, americains et mexicains recherchent des participants pour un prochain Congres de la jeunesse de l'Amerique du Nord. Le congres vise a creer une tribune où les futurs leaders et faiseurs d'opinion d'Amerique du Nord pourront prendre contact afin de fortifier la dimension sociale du partenariat nord-americain. Le congres se concentrera sur trois themes principaux : Les cultures dans la nouvelle Amerique du Nord; Gouvernance sans frontieres; Le developpement durable. La Conference se deroulera en francais, en anglais et en espagnol, avec service d'interpretation simultanee. Des seances auront lieu a Ottawa (Ontario) ainsi qu'a Montreal (Quebec). Les organisateurs du congres seront responsables des frais entourant les repas, l'hebergement et le transport des participants pendant les trois jours du congres (le transport entre Ottawa et Montreal inclus). Douze personnes seront choisies dans chacun des pays (Canada, Mexique et Etats-Unis) pour participer a la conference. Nous sommes a la recherche de candidats exceptionnels (de 20 a 30 ans) qui ont demontre une capacite de leadership dans leurs communautes Pour tout renseignements, veuillez vous adresser a: Dr. Laura Macdonald, Departement des Sciences politiques, Universite Carleton - Courriel: [log in to unmask]
-------------------------------------------------------- PAHO NEWS: Press Releases, Job Vacancies, and Other Information from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) via the Canadian Society for International Health (CSIH) Technical Representative in Canada for PAHO -------------------------------------------------------- Summary: - Border area growing in strategic importance, PAHO Director says in Hermosillo - CONFERENCIA DE LA JUVENTUD NORTEAMERICANA - UNIVERSIDAD DE CARLETON, 17-19 DE AGOSTO DE 2000 (English summary in Synergy-online) -------------------------------------------------------- Border area growing in strategic importance, PAHO Director says in Hermosillo - NEWS RELEASE -------------------------------------------------------- Hermosillo, Mexico (PAHO), May 4, 2000 - PAHO Director Dr. George Alleyne opened the meeting of the U.S.-Mexico Border Health Association here today, saying the border area is growing in strategic importance, and health concerns "should figure prominently in discussions about this area of the Border." Major health problems in the border area "include tuberculosis, acute respiratory infections, AIDS, chronic diseases such as diabetes, environmental health, and the problem of diseases transmitted by foods," Dr. Alleyne said in presenting a new publication, "Mortality Profiles of the Sister Communities on the United States-Mexico Border." The bilingual publication, produced by the Pan American Health Organization in collaboration with the governments of Mexico and the United States, has the most current health information on the four states in the United States and six in Mexico comprising the border area. Dr. Alleyne said many health risks along the border are "geographical rather than national in scope," and risks such as those posed by vector-borne diseases "clearly have to be addressed binationally and this is the case whether the vectors are insects, humans, or food. They all cross the border with ease." PAHO, he said, "is of course committed to this area. Our field office in El Paso was one of the first offices established by our Organization outside its headquarters in Washington and continues to be unique in that it responds to the expressed interests of the two federal governments, and seeks to respond with technical cooperation focused on the problems of the border." U.S. Surgeon General Dr. David Satcher, speaking on the challenge of health disparities in sustaining border health, said health outcomes in the border area "fall short of the general population in health status and access to health care." He said the U.S. is seeking to eliminate disparities in health, focusing on six targets as starting points: cardiovascular disease, breast and cervical cancer, infant mortality, immunizations, HIV/AIDS, and diabetes complications. "Disparities on both sides of the border represent an enormous challenge to both our public health system and our conscience," Dr. Satcher told the border health participants, noting that all but two of the 43 U.S. Border counties "are federally designated 'medically underserved areas'." He said, "We must remove the barriers that block access to quality health care, particularly as they relate to the uninsured, the underinsured, the underserved and the underrepresented." The U.S.-Mexico border, Dr. Satcher said, "must move toward a balanced community health system -- one that makes access to quality care available to all; that balances early detection of disease with health promotion and disease prevention; that draws on the involvement of the community, including homes, community schools, churches and other faith-based organizations, and civic and local groups." The Pan American Health Organization, founded in 1902, works with all the countries of the Americas to improve the health and living standards of its peoples. For more information contact PAHO's office in El Paso, Texas, (915) 845-5950., or Daniel Epstein, tel. (202) 974- 3459, fax (202) 974-3143, Pan American Health Organization Office of Public Information, email [log in to unmask] Internet: -------------------------------------------------------- CONFERENCIA DE LA JUVENTUD NORTEAMERICANA - UNIVERSIDAD DE CARLETON, 17-19 DE AGOSTO DE 2000 (English summary in Synergy-online) -------------------------------------------------------- El Centro de Estudios Politicos y Sociales sobre Norte America de la Universidad de Carleton, junto con los gobiernos de Canada, Estados Unidos y Mexico, convocan a participar en la Conferencia de la Juventud Norteamericana. La Conferencia tiene como fin crear un foro de discusion en el que futuros lideres de America del Norte establezcan vinculos, realzando de esta forma la dimension social de la asociacion comercial norteamericana. Dicha conferencia tratara tres temas fundamentales: Las culturas de la nueva America del Norte; Gobernar a traves de las fronteras; Desarrollo Sostenible. La Conferencia de la Juventud Norteamericana sesionara en Ottawa, Ontario, y en Montreal, Quebec. Conferencistas de los tres paises presentaran sus puntos de vista respecto a los temas anteriormente mencionados. Los organizadores canadienses de la Conferencia cubriran los gastos de los participantes durante los tres dias del evento, incluyendo comida, alojamiento y transportacion (incluido el viaje Ottawa-Montreal). Criterios de Seleccion: Para participar en la Conferencia se elegiran a 12 jovenes de cada pais (Canada, Mexico, y Estados Unidos) de entre 20 y 30 anos de edad. Los candidatos deberan mostrar un claro potencial para ocupar puestos de liderazgo en sus comunidades. La delegacion de cada pais debera representar una variedad de ambitos educativos y profesionales. La seleccion tambien tomara en cuenta criterios de representatividad regional, etnica y de genero. A fin de asegurar la continuidad del proceso, los jovenes seleccionados deberan haber participado activamente en organizaciones nacionales o comunitarias, y estar en posibilidad de retroalimentar a esas instituciones con las experiencias obtenidas en el evento. Dichas organizaciones podran estar dedicadas, entre otros ambitos, a la cultura, el medio ambiente, las actividades empresariales, o a la atencion de grupos etnicos, estudiantiles y de mujeres. Los jovenes interesados en participar en la Conferencia deberan presentar su candidatura, describiendo los motivos que justifiquen su participacion y como piensan que podrian ser aprovechados la informacion y los contactos que se realicen en el evento (maximo una pagina). Dicha solicitud debera incluir el nombre del candidato, nacionalidad, lugar de residencia, fecha de nacimiento, e informacion sobre la experiencia academica, de trabajo, o de voluntariado relacionada con la Conferencia. Fecha limite para entregar las solicitudes de participacion: 15 de junio de 2000. Las candidaturas deberan ser enviadas a: Dr. Laura Macdonald Department of Political Science Carleton University 1125 Colonel By Drive Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1S 5B6 e-mail: [log in to unmask] *Solo los candidatos seleccionados seran notificados.