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Canadian Network on Health in Development <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 13 Jun 2001 15:13:48 -0400
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Société canadienne de santé internationale
Francoise Obissier <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (323 lines)
PAHO NEWS --- SYNERGY ONLINE ---  June 13,  2001

PAHO News Index:
AIDS Program for the Caribbean and Latin America set for expansion

Washington, June 7, 2001 -- An AIDS program to help combat the epidemic in
Latin America and the Caribbean will be expanded through a joint effort of
the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Caribbean Epidemiology Center
(CAREC), according to Tommy G. Thompson, Secretary of the U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services (HHS), and Dr. George Alleyne, Director of the
Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). They announced after a meeting
today that CDC will expand its Global AIDS Program to address the HIV/AIDS
epidemic in the Caribbean and Latin America, and will assist CAREC with its
HIV prevention efforts throughout the Caribbean.
"In the Caribbean, where HIV rates are the highest in the world outside
Africa, we are committed to reducing HIV transmission through prevention,"
said Secretary Thompson. "We also will work to improve care and treatment
of people living with HIV/AIDS and related infections."

 More at


World Bank Attacking Extreme Poverty: Learning from the Experience of the
International Movement ATD

Fourth World Price: $ 22.00
Available in 2-4 weeks
148 pages 8.375 x 10.75
Published May 2001
ISBN: 0-8213-1493-9 SKU: 14939

This book is comprised of a collection of essays on extreme poverty. It
focuses on what it means to live in extreme poverty, how to reach the very
poor through programs and interventions, and how to make private and public
institutions more responsive to their needs. This book also analyzes the
relationship between extreme poverty and human rights. It places emphasis
on the contribution made by the International Movement ATD Fourth World,
and its founder, Joseph Wresinski, to the understanding of the very poor
and what is required to fight extreme poverty.

The following selected publications from Earthscan Publications Ltd. are
available in Canada from Renouf Books:
NGOs are eligible for 15% discount on all Earthscan books:

The Selfish Altruist
Relief Work in Famine and War
Tony Vaux

Hardback Ref: 776 8 (May 2001)

Famine and war evoke strong emotional reactions of pity and concern. For
most, there is a limited amount that they are prepared to do, but relief
workers have to convert emotional responses into practical action and make
difficult choices - whom to help and how.

Their own feelings have to motivate action for others. But can they
separate out their own selfish feelings and prejudices in such an emotive
climate? How do they avoid being partial among those they are helping? Are
they motivated by altruistic concern, the power they experience or the
attention they receive?

Tony Vaux brings over 20 years experience as one of Oxfam's leading
emergency managers to the exploration of the conflicts between subjective
impulses and objectives judgement and the dilemmas relief workers contend

Describing and analysing some of the most traumatic situations of the last
two decades, he helps us to understand what it takes to be an aid worker and
how important humanitarian action is today.

Cities in a Globalizing World
Global Report on Human Settlements 2001
The United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (HABITAT)

Paperback Ref: 806 3 (June 2001) Hardback Ref. 805 5

This major and influential report is the successor to the Global Report
1996. It is the most reliable and comprehensive assessment of the state of
the world's cities and shelter conditions, and is an essential tool and
reference for academics, researchers, planners, public authorities and
civil society organizations around the world.

This is the most authoritative and up-to-date assessment of the development
of world cities and other human settlements and will be launched at the UN
General Assembly special session in June 2001.

Visible Hands Taking Responsibility for Social Development
An UNRISD Report

Paperback Ref: 1 85383 799 7 (April 2001)

The World Summit for Social Development in 1995 laid out an ambitious
agenda to create an economic, political, social, cultural and legal
environment for social development. Visible Hands provides a fundamental
and incisive analysis of the progress to date, exploring efforts to
reassert the value of equity and social cohesion in an increasingly
individualistic world. It reveals the failings of unregulated markets and a
healthy and educated population. It shows how the 'visible hands' of
public participation and democratic governance are crucial in creating a
decent society.

Participation of the Poor in Development Initiatives Taking Their Rightful
Carolyn M Long

Paperback Ref.: 761 X (April 2001)
Hardback Ref.: 760 1

For 30 years, the importance of involving the poor in planning and
implementing development policies has been recognized and for the last
decade, it has been the official aim of large donors including the World

This book assesses the extent to which participation of the poor (primary
stakeholder participation) has been successfully incorporated into
development initiatives of large donor organizations. It analyses the
institutional changes necessary for stakeholders to participate in decision
making and the strategies and behaviour of other parties involved.

Drawing an important range of lessons for future donor and NGO policies and
organizational reform, it is essential reading for professionals involved
in donor-funded development initiatives.

Diseases of Globalization Socio-economic Transition and Health
Christine McMurray and Roy Smith

Paperback Ref: 711 3 (Feb 2001)
Hardback Ref: 710 5

Issues such as equitable and sustainable modernization, the determinants of
health, the process of marginalization and survival strategies on the
periphery are covered in this book. The authors draw on primary case study
material, largely from societies in the Pacific region undergoing
modernization, to provide invaluable information for tracking and assessing
the full impacts of these changes.

The Citizens At Risk
From Urban Sanitation to Sustainable Cities
Gordon McGranahan, Pedro Jacobi, Jacob Sonsgore, Charles Surjadi, and
Marianne Kjellen

Paperback Ref. 561 7 March 2001
Hardback Ref. 562 5

The Citizens at Risk is a major contribution to the understanding of how
living environments in today's cities can be improved. It analyses the
changing nature of urban environmental risks, their distribution and how
they arise. In sophisticated, yet accessible style it addresses: the
challenge of improving health conditions in deprived urban settlements; the
challenge of sustainable urban development in a globalizing world;
environmental justice and urban development.

The authors focus on cities in Asia, Africa and South America explaining
how conditions can be improved for those living in these fast-growing
cities and arguing that environmental justice provides a more meaningful
measure and goal for urban environmental improvement than 'sustainability'.

PS. If you do not have access to the Web, please let
us know.

------------ SYNERGY ONLINE------------------------




(French version follows)
Draft Accord between the Government of Canada and the voluntary sector

The members of the Joint Accord Table would like to
know what you think about the draft Accord. The purpose of this Accord is
to develop a framework document, and associated monitoring and reporting
measures, that will improve the way the federal government and the voluntary
sector work together in areas of policy development, program design and
service delivery for the benefit of Canadians.

The Accord will be built on a shared commitment to improving the quality of
life of Canadians. It will be characterized by balanced and mutually
advantageous undertakings on the part of the government and the sector.
Those undertakings will bring about new and different ways for the federal
government and the voluntary sector to work together, and will produce real
benefits for Canadian society.

The Table would like to receive input from the first round of consultations
by July 31, 2001 but will be pleased to accept input until the end of
September 2001.

It is their hope that this draft will spark a rich debate. A multi-faceted
consultation is planned which will reach voluntary sector, Government of
Canada, and other stakeholder audiences. Some of this will be sector-led,
some of it will be government-led, and much of it will be done jointly. The
first stage of consultations, in the spring of 2001, will be used to gather
initial reactions, and will be followed by another round of consultations
in the early fall. The Table plans to use the results of these
consultations to bring its work on the Accord itself to a close by late
fall. For more information please contact Delaney Turner
mailto:[log in to unmask], Voluntary Sector Initiative Secretariat.

The mandate of the CCIC's Ethics Review Committee updated

The Canadian Council for International Co-operation (CCIC) Board of
Directors recently updated the mandate of the Ethics Review Committee to
better reflect the role they believe best supports CCIC members' compliance
with the Code of Ethics (see the new mandate in the What's New section of
the Web site at

The Canadian Council for International Co-operation (CCIC) is a coalition
of Canadian organizations who seek to change the course of human
development in ways that favor social and economic equity, democratic
participation, environmental integrity and respect for human rights.

In addition to some clarification of wording, the mandate now includes two
new items: to act as a sounding board by responding to questions of an
ethical nature related to the CCIC Code of Ethics:; and to advance a greater
understanding of ethical practice within the membership. You can reach the
Ethics Review Committee by e-mail at mailto:[log in to unmask], by fax
 at (613) 241-5302, or regular mail at CCIC.

PS. If you do not have access to the Web, please let us know.

-------------- SYNERGIE-EN-DIRECT ---------------------------



Ebauche de l'Accord entre le gouvernement du Canada et le secteur benevole
et communautaire

Les membres de la Table conjointe sur l'accord aimeraient
savoir ce que vous pensez de l'ebauche de l'Accord. Son but est de se doter
d'un document-cadre, ainsi que de mecanismes de suivi et de rapport, afin
de favoriser une collaboration plus etroite entre le gouvernement federal
et le secteur benevole dans l'elaboration des politiques, la conception des
programmes et la prestation des services, et ce, dans l'interet des
Canadiens et des Canadiennes.

L'Accord sera fonde sur un engagement mutuel en faveur d'une meilleure
qualite de vie pour les Canadiens et les Canadiennes. Il sera caracterise
par des initiatives du gouvernement et du secteur presentant des avantages
mutuels et equilibres. Ces initiatives permettront d'apporter des
changements pratiques dans les rapports entre les deux parties, lesquels
faciliteront l'etablissement d'une relation durable, pour le bien-etre de
la societe canadienne.

Les membres de la Table aimeraient recevoir les donnees de la premiere
ronde de consultations d'ici le 31 juillet 2001, mais ils seront heureux
d' accepter les points de vue qu'on leur communiquera jusqu'a la fin de
septembre 2001.

Ils esperent que cette ebauche suscitera un debat fecond. A cette fin, des
consultations multidimensionnelles sont prevues aupres du secteur benevole
et communautaire, du gouvernement federal et des autres intervenants.
Certaines de ces consultations seront pilotees par le secteur, d'autres,
par le gouvernement, mais il s'agira souvent d'exercices conjoints. La
premiere ronde se deroulera au printemps 2001 et consistera a recueillir les
reactions initiales; viendra ensuite une deuxieme ronde de consultations au
debut de l'automne. Les membres de la Table ont l'intention d'utiliser les
resultats de ces rondes de consultation pour parachever leurs travaux sur
l'Accord proprement dit vers la fin de l'automne. Pour plus de
renseignements veuillez vous adresser a Delaney Turner
mailto:[log in to unmask], Secretariat de l'Initiative du secteur
benevole et communautaire.

Revision du mandat du Comite d'etude du Code d'ethique du CCCI

Le Conseil d'administration du Conseil canadien pour la cooperation
internationale (CCCI) a revise dernierement le mandat du Comite d'etude du
Code d'ethique afin de lui donner le role qu'il estime le plus utile pour
aider les membres du CCCI a se conformer au Code d'ethique (voir le nouveau
mandat dans la section Quoi de neuf du site web a

Le Conseil canadien pour la cooperation internationale (CCCI) est une
coalition d'une centaine d'organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) oeuvrant
en premiere ligne pour la justice sociale, l'aide humanitaire et le
developpement economique et democratique, a la fois au Canada et dans les
pays en developpement. Il compte parmi ses membres des groupes religieux et
laiques, des associations professionnelles, des syndicats et des organismes
voues a l'alphabetisation, a l'education et a la jeunesse.

Outre quelques eclaircissements de forme, le mandat comporte maintenant
deux nouveaux elements : servir de lieu de reference concernant le Code
d'ethique du CCCI: et
alimenter la reflexion chez les membres. On peut joindre le Comite d'etude
du Code d'ethique par courrier electronique a mailto:[log in to unmask],
par telecopieur au (613) 241-5302 ou par la poste a l'adresse du CCCI.

PS. Si vous n'avez pas acces au Web, veuillez nous le faire savoir.