*** Sorry for cross-postings ***
>A UK National health promotion agencies initiative to develop indicators,
>using the Delphi research technique
>* contributing to the Government's public health agenda to reduce
>health inequalities
>* highlighting new indicators of effectiveness for community health
>* supporting practitioners and managers to evaluate the success of
>their work.
>The 4 National health promotion agencies, the Health Education Authority
>(HEA), the Health Education Board for Scotland (HEBS), Health Promotion
>Wales (HPW) and the Health Promotion Agency for Northern Ireland (HPANI))
>have set up a UK study to investigate:
>1) the potential to produce a set of robust reliable indicators for
>community health promotion; and
>2) relevant theoretical frameworks for the development and evaluation of
>community health promotion.
>A cross section of academics, policy makers, planners and practitioners
>interested in community health promotion have been invited to take part in a
>Delphi style consultation exercise via a web site. The purpose of the
>consultation is to assess the potential for deriving a UK consensus on how
>best to evaluate the success of community health promotion initiatives.
>Letters of invitation have been sent out to almost 200 'experts' identified
>through a number of networks. We have limited the number of participants to
>keep the study manageable, however we are interested in other people's views
>both at home and abroad.
>If you are interested to find out more about this study either for
>information only or to contribute your views please visit our web page on
Une tres bonne journee.
Michel O'Neill, Ph.D.
Professeur titulaire et Codirecteur, Groupe de recherche et d'intervention
en promotion de la sante (GRIPSUL), Faculte des Sciences infirmieres,
4108-J Pavillon Comtois, Universite Laval, Quebec, Qc, Canada, G1K 7P4.
tel: +1-(418)-656-2131 #7431; telecopieur: +1-(418)-656-7747
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Codirecteur, Centre quebecois collaborateur de l'OMS pour le developpement
de villes et villages en sante / Quebec WHO Collaborating Center for the
development of healthy cities and towns,
2400 D'estimauville, Beauport, Qc, Canada, G1E 7G9.
tel: +1-(418)-666-7000 #461; telecopieur: +1-(418)-666-2776
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