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Health Promotion on the Internet


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"Stirling, Alison" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Health Promotion on the Internet (Discussion)
Mon, 16 Sep 1996 09:55:00 EDT
text/plain (108 lines)
The recent volley of messages about "favorite web-sites" has been an
excellent example of information sharing and also highlighted some
difficulties of posting messages.  There have been two perisstent problems
with these messages:
1. please identify yourself by name and e-mail in your message as not
everyone's e-mail software shows the originator, and
2. when replying to a message please remove the previous headers - the "To",
"From" fields confuse the list-server as to the destination.

Both of these points were included in Tuesday September 10th's "Working
guidelines for posting", and bear repeating because they are constant
problems for subscribers and for the facilitators of this list-serv.

Regarding the first point about identifying yourself, my own e-mail system
does not reveal the sender (the "From:" field only indicates
"owner-click4hp"), which makes it difficult for me, as one of the
facilitators, to follow up with the original sender, unless that person
signs their message and includes an e-mail address. It's appreciated that
several participants on this list asked for more clarification. Thanks to Ed
Blonz for identifying John Studach, whose e-mail address for those of us in
the dark, is <[log in to unmask]>.  Then we received another unsigned
message asking for feedback to the sender on nutrition (reliefnet) and
smoking cessation - later revealed to those of us without systems that can
see original senders as: Chuck Tedesco <[log in to unmask]>
Respondants can choose whether to answer the query directly to J. Studach or
C. Tedesco  or to share "best web sites" here.

On the second issue, we had a message bounce back unposted as it had
contained a header.  The following is a copy of that message:
John:  I am obviously biased, but would encourage you to check out
'CyberIsle' under development by the TeenNet project based at U of T: "Using
The Internet To Engage Teens In Health Promotion". The URL is:

      Harvey A. Skinner   PhD
          Professor and Chair,  Department of Behavioural Science
          Acting Chair  Department of Preventive Medicine and Biostatistics
          Acting Chair  Graduate Department of Community Health
          Faculty of Medicine, McMurrich Building,   University of Toronto
          Toronto,  Ontario,  Canada   M5S 1A8
Voice:  416-978-8989;            FAX:    416-978-2087
          Email:  [log in to unmask]

Some [mostly Canadian] web-sites that I [Alison Stirling] use:

Ontario Prevention Clearinghouse (OPC)  - our web-site has quite a few leads
to other health promotion sites:

Health Resources List , an excellent general health site maintained by Tom
Flemming at McMaster University's Health Sciences Library in Hamilton,

The Health Communication Unit at the University of Toronto Centre for Health

The (Canadian) National Clearinghouse on Tobacco & Health - many good
resources and links

The Tobacco Control Archives (California) Its purpose is to collect,
preserve, and provide access to papers and unpublished documents relevant to
tobacco control issues primarily in California.

The Organization for Nutrition Education - lots of good links

Physical Activity, Recreation and Active Living in Canada - most links are
to organizations

Well-Tech Net : a listing by source and subject of many lifestyle-oriented
health on-line links including exercise/fitness, nutrition, smoking
cessation and self-care.

It's a start.  I'd like to see some more discussion about the uses of the
Internet for consumer health information.  Perhaps over the next two weeks
we can explore these areas in more depth.

Alison Stirling
co-facilitator CLICK4HP
<[log in to unmask]> Ontario Prevention Clearinghouse -


> Who do we send the information to? jstudac?
> Thanks, Debbie Bang
> Coordinator/Researcher
> St. Joseph's Community Health Centre
> Hamilton, Ontario

> > i'm trying to pull together the best web sites i can find for a
> > presentation on health promotion.  could you please send me your
> > sites on 1. health communication 2. smoking cessation 3. nutrition 4.
> > physical activity.  thanks