* Apologies for any cross-postings *
Only two weeks left until the Ontario Self-Help Network's first bilingual conference on self-help/peer support!
Saturday March 19, 2005
Days Inn, Timmins
Registration: $20 (includes lunch)
This conference is designed for both volunteers and professionals working with self-help and peer support initiatives. The programme includes an open space networking session and workshops on the following topics:
AM workshops:
How to start a self-help support group
Comprendre son style de leadership (atelier en français)
Building shared leadership in your group
Self-care for self-helpers
PM workshops:
Motivating and supporting volunteers
Être efficace en tant qu'animateur (atelier en français)
Facilitation skills for self-help groups
Marketing and promoting your group
For a detailed programme description and registration forms:
English - http://www.selfhelp.on.ca/oshnet/archives/00000003.html
French - http://www.selfhelp.on.ca/oshnet/archives/00000004.html
Or contact: Gillian Kranias, Coordinator, Ontario Self-Help Network Program
Tel: (416 487-4355, Toll-free: 1-888-283-8806, Email: [log in to unmask]
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