Since "Free Trade" Deals have profound impacts on the social determinants of health and therefore the health of a population, consider the following: EXTRA: Summit news from Straight Goods Canada's independent on-line source of news you can use: [To get on or off this list, please see end of file] April 19, 2001: New at Straight Goods Summit page: - Does trade create democracy? Mel Watkins. Some day, our children will be amazed we let the corporations decide who should live and die. - The first violence is institutional. French farm activist José Bové says there is a moral obligation to resist trade agreements that hurt poor people and farmers. - CLC s Nancy Riche moves Labour Forum to tears with poem by St. Lucia activist - Trade agreements need democracy clauses with teeth. Warren Allmand, Gerry Barr join with international activists to propose specifics that will ensure human rights conventions are honoured. - EXTRA: See the leaked draft of the FTAA vestment_Draft_Investment.htm - Quebec City ominous site for Canadian Left? - David Frank. The walled city has not been kind to democratic forces, says UNB s eminent labour historian. - Mainstream media adopts different tone around Quebec summit? - Barrie Zwicker. "Funny" is a useful word to describe advanced media coverage of summit. - Trade deals threaten Canadian health care - Dr. Gordon Guyatt. Canada's position likely to lead to NAFTA challenge. For more Summit features and briefs, check out: - Ish Theilheimer, Publisher Straight Goods - Canada's independent on-line source of news you use 613 625 1555 [log in to unmask] To join this list send an e-mail to [log in to unmask] and put in the body of the memo: subscribe straight-goods-l