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From: |
Date: |
Sun, 20 Oct 1996 11:00:26 -0400 |
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1.0 |
Comments: |
To: Alexis Raphael < [log in to unmask]>,
Bart Harvey < [log in to unmask]>, Bill Robson < [log in to unmask]>,
Block < [log in to unmask]>,
Cheryl Sullivan < [log in to unmask]>,
David Burman < [log in to unmask]>,
Dorothea Hudek < [log in to unmask]>,
Elizabeth Crawford < [log in to unmask]>,
Emily Donato < [log in to unmask]>,
Eric Young < [log in to unmask]>,
Frank Magazine < [log in to unmask]>,
Geoff Milburn < [log in to unmask]>,
Globe and Mail < [log in to unmask]>,
Irving Rootman < [log in to unmask]>,
Ivan Brown < [log in to unmask]>,
Jack Layton < [log in to unmask]>,
Jeff Sigafoos < [log in to unmask]>,
John Brine < [log in to unmask]>,
Karima Kassam < [log in to unmask]>,
Ken Pippin < [log in to unmask]>,
Linda Manzer < [log in to unmask]>,
Linda Turner < [log in to unmask]>,
Malkin Dare < [log in to unmask]>,
Marvin Ross < [log in to unmask]>,
Mary Foster < [log in to unmask]>,
Maurice Mittelmark < [log in to unmask]>,
MetroMorning < [log in to unmask]>,
Nancy Gerein < [log in to unmask]>,
Nancy Weir < [log in to unmask]>,
Olga Kits < [log in to unmask]>,
Osmond Sargeant < [log in to unmask]>,
Outreach Connection < [log in to unmask]>,
Pam Dawson < [log in to unmask]>,
Paul Bennett < [log in to unmask]>,
Peter Emberley < [log in to unmask]>,
Peter Tabuns < [log in to unmask]>,
Rebecca Renwick < [log in to unmask]>,
Richard Feinberg < [log in to unmask]>,
Ronald Raphael < [log in to unmask]>,
Sandra Langland < [log in to unmask]>,
Sharon Friefeld < [log in to unmask]>,
Stephen Moss < [log in to unmask]>,
Toba Bryant < [log in to unmask]>, Toronto Star < [log in to unmask]>,
Valerie Hepburn < [log in to unmask]>,
Wendy Kassil < [log in to unmask]> |
Reply-To: |
Parts/Attachments: |
Metro Council will debate the Metro Days of Action on Wednesday, October
23rd. Judging by last week's debates at Metro and the TTC, we can expect
strong language and horrific myth-building by the right-wing members who are
intent on painting those who wish to peacefully protest the Provincial
Government's actions as "union thugs" (Councillor Ootes) or "Brownshirts"
(Councillor Cavalier -- Councillor Ootes withdrew his "brownshirts" comment).
I am appealing to you to write a note to Metro Councillors by e-mail
expressing your views on the days of protest and calling on Metro Council to
be supportive rather than combatative. Afterall, it is precisely our urban
services and communities which are being attacked by the Provincial
government's policies.
To e-mail Metro Council, send your note to:
[log in to unmask]
And begin the letter with a request that this letter be circulated to all
members of council immediately by e-mail (The Clerk will then do so.)
and a copy to me: [log in to unmask]
There will be an attempt to turn the public against the Days of Action.
'The public does not support any shutdown of services', they will say
(without evidence). The most recent TTC motion suggests that all lost
revenue experienced by the TTC or any lost revenue of any customer of the
TTC will be sought from the protest organizers -- a classic intimidation
strategy. There will be an attempt to extend this absurd legal action to all
municipal service areas.
There will be proposals to stop all free speech and assembly throughout all
of Metro during the Days of Action period: to prohibit picketing of any
kind anywhere in Metro. (It is inconceivable that courts would ever approve
such a measure.) Some large downtown firms are coming together to sue the
unions for damages and to convince a court to freeze all assets of these
unions immediately in anticipation of the Days of Action. This type of
action represents the same kind of strategy adopted by the "Committee of
200" -- a big business coalition formed during the Winnipeg General Strike
of 1919.
To see the recorded votes and my (biased) summary of the Metro Council
debate last week, visit my Web Site. I put up these editorially skewed
assessments of Metro's meetings one day after each meeting is held. Feel
free to compare my review with the media coverage. I'd appreciate any
comments (which can be e-mailed right from the site.)
I am also inserting various issues and campaigns on my site with direct
e-mail connections to Metro Councillors where we need you to e-mail messages
of support. That is what we are doing here too.
Keep well and take care,
Jack Layton
Metro Councillor
Don River Ward
Metropolitan Toronto
416-397-5200 fax
416-392-4060 voice
Dennis Raphael, Ph.D., C.Psych.
Associate Professor
University of Toronto
Division of Community Health
Faculty of Medicine
Department of Behavioural Science
McMurrich Building, Room 101
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A8
Tel: (416) 978-7567
Fax: (416) 978-2087
E-Mail: [log in to unmask]