Engage, Ignite, Declare...the Strength of Communities!
OHCC Conference November 21-23, 2002
Our 6th annual OHCC conference will present over 50 workshops and
sessions to address the key issues affecting communities today. Three
internationally-acclaimed keynote speakers will help us better
understand these issues and how they are interconnected.
John Ralston Saul, novelist and essayist, will speak on "The Fragility
of Civil Society" He is well-known for his wit, candour and political
and cultural acumen. His latest book, On Equilibrium, is an intelligent,
persuasive and controversial exploration of the essential qualities of
humanity and how to use them to achieve equilibrium for the self and an
ethical society.
Vandana Shiva is the Director of the Research Foundation for Science,
Technology and Natural Resource Policy in Dehradun, India. She is
Ecology Adviser to the Third World Network, which aims to bring about a
greater voice for people in the Third World, and a fair and ecologically
sustainable distribution of world resources. Her latest book is Stolen
Harvest: The Hijacking of the Global Food Supply.
Ilona Kickbusch is Professor and Head of the Division of Global Health
in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at Yale University.
Dr. Kickbusch's interests are focused on governance challenges in global
public health and health promotion. Her areas of research include health
promotion, health literacy, healthy public policies and social resources
for health.
Topics of the concurrent sessions fall into three themes: Community
Action Tools, Civic Engagement, and New Perspectives on Healthy
Communities. These themes are presented through case studies,
participatory workshops, and audiovisual presentations, and cover a
broad spectrum of issues on the environment, diversity, health and
social justice. In addition to the workshop sessions, over 30 exhibits will showcase products, services and programs
that will be of interest to those working towards a healthy community.
Conference rates have been set at $450 for the 3 days, with a special
rate of $225 per person for non-profit organizations and individual
registrants. A limited number of subsidies are available - call (416)
408-4841 ext.1 or email [log in to unmask]
<mailto:[log in to unmask]> to apply. The full conference program
is listed on pages 5-6, and the registration form is on page 7.
Registration is also be available online at
Hope to see you there!
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