This is as interesting for what it doesn't consider as for what it does...
Request for Proposal:
Process and Outcome Evaluation of the
Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance of Canada
The purpose of this document is to solicit proposals from consultants interested
in bidding on a project to develop and implement an evaluation plan on the
process and outcomes of the Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance of Canada
The Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance of Canada (CDPAC) is a coalition of
organizations who share a common vision for integrated chronic disease
prevention in Canada. The CDPAC was constituted in 2001 to foster and help
sustain a co-ordinated, countrywide movement for an integrated, population
health approach to chronic disease prevention through collaborative leadership,
advocacy and capacity building. In June 2002, the CDPAC received the Voluntary
Sector Initiative contribution agreement and a Population Health grant from
Health Canada that enabled CDPAC to continue the process of engaging
stakeholders at national and provincial levels. A Secretariat was set up in
Ottawa to support this work.
The CDPAC Steering Committee, made up of seven organizations Canadian Cancer
Society, Canadian Council for Tobacco Control, Canadian Diabetes Association,
Coalition for Active Living, Dietitians of Canada, Health Canada, Heart and
Stroke Foundation of Canada
will focus initially on the following chronic diseases: cardiovascular,
diabetes, and cancer; and on the following risk- factors: tobacco use and
exposure, physical inactivity and unhealthy eating. These diseases and risk
factors will be addressed within a population health approach and with an
understanding of underlying determinants of health. Eventually, based on lessons
learned and further stakeholder input, the plan is to broaden the scope by
including additional risk factors and chronic diseases. CDPAC will link together
and build upon existing initiatives in a coordinated and synergistic way.
Phase One
? January 22 to March 25, 2003
· Attend January 25, 2003 Steering Committee (SC) meeting in Ottawa for half
· Develop an evaluation plan for CDPAC, based on the objectives developed for
current funding requirements and the established long-term goals. The plan
should include broad evaluation issues, specific evaluation questions, the
proposed methodology, timing and deliverables. The plan should be accompanied
by a description of the CDPAC initiative in the form of a logic model.
· Achieve consensus on the evaluation plan with pan-Canadian team leaders and SC
members for CDPAC through telephone interviews (22 individuals ? 4 in Toronto
area, 3 in Ottawa, one individual in each province and territory).
· Provide approved evaluation plan to CDPAC ? mid-February 2003.
Phase Two - April 2003 to January 2004
· Implement the approved evaluation plan for data collection, analysis and
recommendations for future action.
· Provide three written progress reports in (approximately June 2003, October
2003 and January 2004.
· Meet (in person or by telephone) with CDPAC Secretariat and representatives
from the Steering Committee to review progress, as required.
· Adapt the evaluation plan as necessary to reflect process-related shifts.
CDPAC will attempt to keep this to a minimum but given the evolutionary nature
of the organization, an iterative process may be necessary.
Phase Three ? February to March 2004
· Complete final analysis of data, compilation of recommendations related to
evaluation questions, and complete evaluation report by March 20, 2004.
· Present evaluation results to Steering Committee
Quotations are not to exceed $10,000 for phase one and $20,000 for phases two
and three combined, inclusive of all taxes, expenses and disbursements.
· Demonstrated skills and experience in evaluation planning, implementation and
· Demonstrated experience with national, multi-sector, cross-jurisdictional
· Excellent written communication skills.
· Ability to compile data and write reports.
· Demonstrated ability to meet timelines.
The following information should be included in your proposal, which should be
as succinct as possible:
· A detailed workplan and description of how the deliverables will be carried
· A detailed budget, under $30,000, that includes all phases identified above.
· A list of relevant experience in conducting similar or related projects.
· List of two relevant references.
· The key contact for this project, if a team approach is proposed.
· Corporate capabilities and CVs for any associates to be involved in the
project and what the role of each would be.
· One sample report from a related evaluation project.
· Submissions must be sent electronically (in Word or WordPerfect) to the email
address below.
· All quotations must be received by January 10, 2003
· Questions about this RFP should be directed to Nancy Dubois between December
23 ? January 3, 2003 and to Bonnie Hostrawser from January 6 - 10, 2003.
· Some bidders will be contacted for additional information.
· It is anticipated that the successful candidate will be notified by January
20, 2003.
Quotations to be submitted to:
Bonnie Hostrawser
Manager, Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance of Canada
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For more information please contact Bonnie Hostrawser at 613 565 2522, ext. 308
or Nancy Dubois at 519 446 3636 ([log in to unmask]).