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Health Promotion on the Internet <[log in to unmask]>
Dennis Raphael <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 22 Jan 2003 08:49:37 -0500
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Health Promotion on the Internet <[log in to unmask]>
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Quality of Life and Disability
An Approach for Community Practitioners
Ivan Brown and Roy I. Brown
Foreword by Ann Turnbull and Rud Turnbull
April 2003 176 pages ISBN 1 84310 005 3 pb

£15.95/$24.95 Quality of life ? physical, psychological and environmental well-being ? is a crucial consideration for professionals working with people with a disability. The authors of this practical book apply ideas about quality of life to the field of disability to assist front-line professionals, managers and policymakers in effective service provision. They examine the historical context of the concept of quality of life, and discuss the application of quality of life in the daily lives of people who are disabled. Using recent studies to show how the development of quality of life models have led to changes in rehabilitation, and how an understanding of the issue can inform practice in assessment, intervention, management and policy, this is an indispensable book for all practitioners and managers working with people with disabilities. Ivan Brown is Director of the Disability Support Unit at the Centre for Health Promotion, University of Toronto. Roy I. Brown is Foundation Professor at the School of Special Education and Disability Studies, Flinders University of South Australia. CONTENTS: Foreword. Dr Ann Turnbull, Beach Center for Family and Disability Studies, University of Kansas. Preface. 1. Introducing quality of life. 2. Four people with disabilities: A glance at their lives. 3. Understanding the Social and Historical Roots of Disability. 4. Life gardening: Improving quality of everyday life. 5. Quality of life: A model for practice. 6. Assessment and measurement of quality of life. 7. Intervention based on quality of life. 8. Quality of life in families. 9. A quality of life example: Dealing with grief. 10. Professional and ethical issues for quality of life. 11. Policy, management and quality of life based practice. 12. Quality of life, disability and the future. References. Index. Jessica Kingsley Publishers 116 Pentonville Road, London N1 9JB, UK · tel: +44 (0)20 7833 2307 · fax: +44 (0)20 7837 2917 email: [log in to unmask] · website: ORDER FORM Please use block capitals Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 116 Pentonville Road, London, N1 9JB, Tel: +44(0)20 7833 2307 Fax: +44(0)20 7837 2917 In USA: 10650 Toebben Drive, Independence, KY 41051. Tel: 1 (800) 634 7064 Fax: 1(800) 248 4724 email: [log in to unmask] In Australia: 57-61 John Street, Leichhardt, NSW 2038 Tel:02 9566 4400 Fax: 02 9566 4411 In Canada: 30 Armstrong Avenue, Georgetown ON L7G 4R9 Tel:604 822 1221 Fax: 604 822 6083 [ ] Please send me...........copy(ies) of: Title .............................. ..... ISBN |_| |_|_|_|_|_| |_|_|_| |_| Please keep me informed about new books on ................................................................................ [ ] I enclose a cheque / money order to the value of ................... P&P: For delivery within the UK, £2.75 for 1 book + 50p therafter to a maximum of £10. Europe, £3 per book up to 5 books/£2 per book if 6 or more. Outside Europe, £5 per book up to 5 books/£4 per book if 6 or more USA, $4 for 1 book + $1 for each additional book. Make checks payable to Taylor & Francis. For CA, CT, KY, NY and PA please add sales tax. Canada, $5 for 1 book + $1.50 for each additional book. Please make checks payable to UBCPress. Please add 7% GST. [ ] Please debit my credit card account: Visa / MC / American Express / Switch |_|_|_|_| |_|_|_|_| |_|_|_|_| |_|_|_|_| |_|_|_|_| Expiry Date ............................. Issue Number (Switch) ................. Signature: ...................................................(required for credit card purchases) Name:....................................................................................... Address:.................................................................................... .................................................................................................. .....................Post/Zip code................................................... Daytime Phone.................................................................. Email...................................................................................... Brown&Brown 1/03