The location is flexible, but participants from across Canada must be able
to attend and participate.
Lynn Lavallee
Research Grants Manager
Canadian Tobacco Control Research Initiative
-----Original Message-----
From: Health Promotion on the Internet [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf
Of Karena Apps Eccles
Sent: Monday, December 08, 2003 2:46 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: FW Call for Proposals to Conduct 1-Day "Train the Trainers"
Works hop on Tobacco Best Practices
Where is this workshop to be held?
-----Original Message-----
From: Health Promotion on the Internet [mailto:[log in to unmask]]On Behalf
Of Stirling, Alison
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2003 10:42 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: FW Call for Proposals to Conduct 1-Day "Train the Trainers" Works
hop on Tobacco Best Practices
Posted on behalf of the National Tobacco Best Practices Working Group
Canadian Tobacco ControlResearch Initiative
Call for Proposals to Conduct 1-Day "Train the Trainers" Workshop on Tobacco
Best Practices
Website link:
The National Tobacco Best Practices Working Group (NTBPW) represents
Canadian agencies concerned with the production and translation of research
into effective tobacco control policies and programs. The objective of the
NTBPW is to translate evidence in order to inform good decision-making in
tobacco control. It is chaired by Health Canada and administered by the
Canadian Tobacco Control Research Initiative (CTCRI). The CTCRI is a
partnership of government and non-government organizations committed to
providing strategic leadership to sustain and coordinate research that has a
direct impact on tobacco control policies and programs in Canada. Beginning
in 2001 the NTBPW, through Health Canada and the CTCRI, has offered small
grants to interdisciplinary, inter-sectoral teams for the purpose of
conducting "better practice" reviews of current knowledge, and identifying
recommendations for tobacco control practice and research. Results of a
number of reviews are now available.
The NTBPW will host a workshop on March 19, 2004, to promote adoption of the
practice recommendations produced by several "better practice" reviews
conducted to date. This workshop is intended to follow a "train the
trainers" format; up to 30 participants, who should represent professional
training centers or groups, will learn about the recommendations and how
they can apply these to improve current practice in areas such as smoking
cessation. The goal is to provide information and tools that participants
can employ to train their members or affiliates - i.e., practitioners who
work directly with tobacco users or local decision-makers - in adoption of
current"better practices".
In order to maximize the relevance and appropriateness of the workshop
format and content, the NTBPW wishes for the event to be organized by an
organization directly involved in training practitioners in Canada to
deliver tobacco control programs. Proposals are being accepted from such
organizations between December 8th - 19th. No proposals will be accepted
after December 19th, 2004
The organization awarded the contract will be expected to:
* Work directly with the NTBPW throughout the process, ensuring plans are
appropriate and objectives are met;
* Develop the workshop invitation list, and send invitations through the
CTCRI; staff of CTCRI will support travel arrangements;
* Identify and secure a location for the workshop; CTCRI staff will support
the contractor in making logistical arrangements with the venue;
* Create the agenda/program for the workshop, working with those who have
conducted reviews to develop presentations or materials;
* Oversee development of background documents and meeting materials, such as
summaries of recommendations, tools for planning or training;
* Produce a report of the workshop.
Qualified organizations interested in managing this workshop should send a
proposal to the CTCRI demonstrating:
* Composition and qualifications of the team planning to lead the training
workshop, including bilingual capacity;
* A preliminary plan for the workshop structure;
* A budget outlining cost envelopes, in accordance with the following: o The
total budget available for the workshop is $60,000 CAD. o This must cover
the costs of meeting space, equipment and refreshments, travel and
accommodations for participants, production of meeting materials,
and time spent by the contractors on planning and leading the workshop. o
All funds will be administered by the CTCRI. o Translation services, if
required, may be funded separately. This is intended to be a national
workshop. The location is flexible, but participants from across Canada must
be able to attend and participate.
Questions and proposals should be directed to:
Catherine Maule, Manager
Canadian Tobacco Control Research Initiative
10 Alcorn Ave., Suite 200
Toronto, ON M4V 3B1
t. 416-934-5653
f. 416-961-4920
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