The National Center for Health Education (NCHE) and the Society of Public
Health Education (SOPHE) request your support of National Health Education
Week .
National Health Education Week is celebrated the third week of October
every year as a means to raise awareness of a specific health topic as
well as the health education profession. This year, NCHE and SOPHE are
excited to celebrate National Health Education Week during October 18-24,
2004 with the theme: Healthy Eating: Every Bite Counts!
We are asking that you promote this week by:
1.. Posting an announcement on your list serve (suggested language below)
b.. Including National Health Education Week, Oct. 18-24, 2004 on your website
c.. Sharing this information with appropriate individuals and/or organizations
d.. Celebrating NHEW by planning healthy eating campaigns and activities
Your support of this important week is appreciated! Please direct any questions to Jessica Blake at [log in to unmask] Below is the suggested language for the list serve announcement as well as more information regarding the week.
In order for SOPHE to maintain records for the promotion of National
Health Education Week, please confirm your support by replying to this
Many thanks,
Jessica Blake
Society for Public Health Education
MPH Candidate (Dec 2004)
University of Maryland, College Park
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SAVE THE DATE- OCT 18-24, 2004
National Health Education Week
Theme- "Healthy Eating: Every Bite Counts!"
Join the National Center for Health Education and the Society for Public
Health Education in celebrating
National Health Education Week.
We are inviting interested individuals, communities, and organizations to
promote and participate in a national initiative to help people develop
healthy eating habits for life.
You Can Make a Difference!
Start today to plan a "Healthy Eating: Every Bite Counts!" activity.
Nutrition plays a direct role in preventing and treating overweight and
obesity, important health issues facing the American public. With more
than 60% of America weighing in as overweight or obese, campaigns
addressing healthy eating are much needed.
You can find fun and simple ideas to get your community involved in
celebrating National Health Education Week by visiting the NCHE and SOPHE
websites where you will find a variety of materials for public health
professionals, organizations, schools, and parents. Materials include
tools for planning a community campaign; templates for gubernatorial
proclamations; sample press releases; school-based health education
lessons; and parent, teacher and practitioner resources. All materials are
available free of charge.
Remember, eating healthy can be done in school, at work, in the home, and
out in the community - Every Bite Counts!
All materials are available for download at and at
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