granted through the CO. Dept. of Public Health:
1) Project Director/Grant Manager: deadline 4/15/02, to start 5/15/02
2) Assistant Project Director/Grant Manager: deadline 5/15/02, to start
(descriptions below)
The BACCHUS and GAMMA Peer Education Network is an international collegiate
alcohol abuse prevention and health and safety education initiative with
more than 1000 student groups in the US, Canada, Mexico, Hong Kong and
Australia. Founded in 1975, BACCHUS and GAMMA is the oldest and largest
student organization committed to the education, training and support for
peer education and prevention programs on college and university campuses.
Through educaiton and activies, BACCHUS and GAMMA promotes healthy
lifestyles by advocating informed independent decision-making and respect
for state laws and campus policies.
A significant portion of the BACCHUS and GAMMA Peer Education Network
efforts are devoted to working with IHEs to develop appropriate tobacco
policies, prevention strategies and cessation programs for students and
other members of the campus community. The organization is active
nationally on this effort through funding from the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention and seeks to develop a national model for state
tobacco programs interested in working with higher education.
BACCHUS & GAMMA is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opprtunity Employer. Members
of minority populations are encouraged to apply.
Level: 12-month, full-time positions
Master degree required. At a minimum, candidates need at least 3 years of
experience in higher education administration, health education, government
service, comparable associaion management or direct experience advising pa
peer education program. Experience with state or campus tobacco prevention,
education and control efforts and contract management is also desired.
Successful candidates will possess solid oral and written communication
skills and be experienced workshp presenters. They will be proficient in
cirrent business software applications and have portfolios demonstrating
these skills.
To serve as the project director of a comprehensive grant to promote Tobacco
Programs, Cessation and Control efforts for Colorado Institutions of Higher
Education and to Serve on the overall staff for the BACCHUS and GAMMA Peer
Education Network. Major components of this project include, but are not
limited to:
- overall responsibility for the development and implementation of all grant
objectives and project managment
- oversee all fiscal responsibilites and budget managment
- serve as a liason with the Colorado STEPP (State Tobacco Education
Prevention Partnership) and represent the organization at necessary
- Network with higher educatio leaders in the State of Colorado to promote
grant objectives and to provide technical assistance
- Coordinate collaboration with CO STEPP and with other STEPP funded
agencies and organizations
- Supervise Assistant Project Director to be hired under this effort
- Serve as a liason for communication with and dissemination fo information
to non-IHE organization working in tobacco prevention and control in the
state of CO.
- Serve on the BACCHUS and GAMMA management team in the creation of
educational materials, prjects and programs that support tobacco prevention
and control efforts
- Serve as primary liason with CO. Campus partners to promote grant
objectives and resources
- Assist and supervise independent program evaluation, and coordinate
broader promotion of promising strategies
- Present project work at State and National meetings as needed
Salary and Benefits:
Starting: $50,000 annually (non-negotiable)
100% paid medical and health benefits package
retirement contribution plan, annual 3-week paid vacation
& access to university fitness and recreation facilities
Masters degree preferred. At a minimum, candidates need at least three years
of experience in higher education administration, health education,
government service, comparable association management or direct experience
advising a peer education program. Experience with state or campus tobacco
prevention, education and control efforts and contract management is also
desired. Successful candidates will posses solid oral and written
communication skills and be experienced workshop presenters. They will be
proficient in current business software applications and have portfolios
demonstrating these skills.
To serve as the assistant project director of a comprehensive grant to
promote tobacco programs, cessation and control efforts for CO. Institutions
of Higher Education and to serve on the overall staff for the BACCHUS and
GAMMA Peer Education Network. Major components of this project include, but
are not limited to:
- assist in the development and implementation of all grant objectives and
project management
- serve as a liason with the CO. STEPP and represent the organization at
necessary meetings
- network with higher education leaders in the state of CO. to promote grant
objectives and to provide technical assistance
- assist in collaboration with CO. STEPP and with other STEPP funded
agencies and organizations
- serve on the BACCHUS and GAMMA staff in the creation of educational
materials, projects and programs that support tobacco prevention and control
- serve as a day-to-day liason with CO. Campus partners to promote grant
objectives and resources
- travel to and provide technical assistance to in-state IHEs
- assist in the supervision independent program evaluation and coordinate
broader promotion of promising strategies
- present project work at state and national meetings as needed
Salary and Benefits:
Starting salary: $33,000 annually, may be negotiable with experience.
100% paid medical and health benefits package
retirement contribution plan
annual 3 week paid vacation
and access to university fitness and recreation facilities
Applicants wishing to be considered should forward a letter of interest,
complete resume, and three names of reference to:
Executive Director
The BACCHUS & GAMMA Peer Education Network
PO Box 100430
Denver, CO 80250-0430
Phone: 303.871.0901
Fax: 303.871.0907
Website: http://www.bacchusgamma.org
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