*please circulate to colleagues who may be interested
Dear CANCHID colleagues,
Season's greetings!
We hope you're already planning to join us for the Community-Campus
Partnerships for Health's 10TH ANNIVERSARY CONFERENCE, "Mobilizing Partnerships
for Social Change" April 11-14, 2007, in Toronto, ON, Canada!
Online registration opens in January 2007.
Scholarship funding is available for community-based conference participants
from the U.S. and Canada to help defray the cost of registration fees, hotel
accommodation, and/or transportation. The deadline to apply is Tuesday,
January 16, 2007 (for community-based participants in the US and Canada) and
Monday, January 29, 2007 (for community-based individuals, including students,
from Ontario, Canada who are addressing HIV in the context of social
determinants of health). For details, visit
Scholarships funding is also available through the Centre for Urban Health
Initiatives for students enrolled in Canadian post-secondary institutions to
attend the conference. The deadline to apply is Friday, March 16, 2007.
Preference will be given to those who will be presenting. Students from all
Canadian post-secondary institutions are eligible to apply. For more
information, please call Alexis Kane Speer, the Centre Coordinator, at
416-978-7223 or e-mail her at [log in to unmask]
We are also seeking applications from organizations involved in innovative
community-campus and other partnerships in the Toronto area to host a
conference site visit. Community site visits provide an opportunity for
conference participants to learn in-depth from local partnerships by
spending about three hours touring and talking with the partnership's
major stakeholders. Are you involved in a partnership located in the
Toronto area? Consider applying to host a community site visit! Applications
due by Wednesday, January 17, 2007. For more information, visit
More about the conference...
How do we combine the knowledge and wisdom in communities and in academic
institutions to solve the major health, social and economic challenges
facing our society? How do we ensure that community-driven social change is
central to service-learning and community-based participatory research?
Community-Campus Partnerships for Health (CCPH) is convening our 10th
anniversary conference, April 11-14, 2007 in Toronto, to nurture a growing
network of community-campus partnerships that are striving to achieve the
systems and policy changes needed to address the root causes of health,
social and economic inequalities. The conference seeks to build knowledge,
skills and actions for achieving healthy and just societies.
We're delighted to have confirmed two Aboriginal social justice leaders
from Canada as opening plenary speakers: Sylvia Maracle, Executive Director,
Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres and Jeff Reading, Scientific
Director, Canadian Institutes of Health Research-Institute of Aboriginal
Peoples' Health. Learn more about them at
Conference workshops and community site visits will address these
*Understanding and Addressing the Social Determinants of Health
*From Grassroots Movements to Policy Change
*Communities as Centers of Learning, Discovery and Engagement
*Developing the Science of Community-Based or Practice-Based Evidence
This CCPH conference in particular is notable for a number of reasons:
*It celebrates our 10th anniversary, allowing us to reflect on our history
and evolution and engage stakeholders in determining our future directions.
*It is our first conference held in Canada, presenting unprecedented
opportunities to learn from Canadian experiences with community-campus
partnerships and the social determinants of health, and to explore synergies
across North America and beyond.
*It takes place in one of the most diverse cities in the world, enabling us to
explore critical issues of race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, wealth and
*It represents an important product of our partnership with the Wellesley
Institute (www.wellesleyinstitute.com), the Toronto-based organization that
advances the social determinants of health through rigorous community-based
research, reciprocal capacity building, and the informing of public policy.
We hope to see you in Toronto in April!
Conference homepage: http://depts.washington.edu/ccph/conf-overview.html
Exhibitor info: http://depts.washington.edu/ccph/conf-exhibiting.html
Scholarship info: http://depts.washington.edu/ccph/conf-support.html
Call for community site visit hosts in Toronto:
Community-Campus Partnerships for Health promotes health (broadly
defined) through partnerships between communities and higher educational
institutions. Become a member today at www.ccph.info
Join CCPH for our 10th Anniversary Conference, April 11-14, 2007 in Toronto
Mobilizing Partnerships for Social Change
See www.ccph.info for details!
Access CANCHID archives at: https://listserv.yorku.ca/archives/canchid.html
plus CANCHID subscription management. CANCHID is a joint service of the Canadian Society for International Health < http:www.csih.org > and the Distributed Knowledge Project at York University. Queries to: [log in to unmask]