Hello colleagues,
I am working with the Canadian Mental Health Association, Nova Scotia Division (CMHANS) to develop a training program for community-based support workers and people who have experience with mental illness. The purpose of the training program is to develop:
a.. increased support for consumers and families in navigating existing services in all aspects of community living; housing, education, employment, and social supports;
b.. increased advocacy support for consumers, family members, and informal supports;
c.. additional community resources promoting good mental health through educational opportunities; and
d.. increased cooperation/networking among current services to provide improved delivery.
We are interested in learning about best practices in this area, and also the type of components (e.g., advocacy, helping skills,
information on the psycho-social rehabilitation model, recovery models, community development practices) included in similar training programs.
Once we have the best practice training information compiled, the intent is to train the community support workers and pilot-test and evaluate the program in three communities in Nova Scotia. If you know about a resource you think would be helpful for us, please contact me - I would really appreciate it!
Best wishes,
Cari Patterson
community development associates
po box 2404
wolfville, ns, b4p 2s3
phone: (902) 582-7940
fax: (902) 582-1423
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