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Social Determinants of Health


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Dennis Raphael <[log in to unmask]>
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Social Determinants of Health <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 27 Jan 2006 15:16:58 -0500
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The State of the Economy

The upcoming  State of the Union address has revived interest in examining
how well the  economy is doing, how people are faring and whether the
current policies  of tax cuts have generated jobs and growth, as promised.

A number of  observers seem to suggest that the economy is doing very well
and that  people mistakenly believe that the economy is on the wrong track.
The  facts are that trends in almost every indicator of the aggregate
'macro'  economy—GDP growth, investment, payroll employment, personal
income—have  been inferior in this business cycle and recovery when
measured against  earlier comparable periods (see The boom that  wasn't).

Moreover,  the wages of workers (inflation-adjusted) fell in 2005 from 2004
levels  and have been falling for several years (see Economy  up, wages
down). For instance, the wage (inflation-adjusted) of  the median worker
fell 1.3% in 2005. Given declining wages it is not  surprising that the
typical (median) household income fell for five years  in a row through
2004 (2005 income data are not yet available), poverty  has risen, and
families have gone deeper into debt. Furthermore, health  care costs are
taking a bigger bite out of family incomes (see What's wrong with the
economy?). The bottom line is that people do not feel good about  trends in
the economy because the things that matter most to them—wages,  jobs,
family income—have not been making them better off.

The  administration claims that its tax cuts have led to jobs and growth.
Yet,  as we have shown, GDP, investment and other trends do not support
this  claim. A simpler way of showing the failure of the tax cuts to
deliver  jobs is to note that private sector jobs, excluding those
generated by  military or other government spending, have not increased
since early 2001  (see Sluggish  private job growth indicates failure of
tax cuts). If private  sector jobs have not been created in significant
numbers, how can one say  that the tax cuts have worked?

There has  also been some bragging about recent job creation and the
current 'low'  unemployment rate.   However, (see Why people are so
dissatisfied with today's economy), unemployment remains higher  than the
4.0% in 2000 and today's unemployment is artificially low because  of a
major withdrawal from the labor force. Job creation in this recovery  lags
behind every other recovery, and the only wage growth in this decade  was
based on the momentum from the 1990s recovery. That wage growth  petered
out as the recession took hold and hasn't resumed more than four  years
into the recovery.

Last, the  administration claims that poor wage growth is the result of
higher health  care costs squeezing wages. Actually, what has squeezed
wages is the huge  boost in profits in recent years. Rising health care
costs cannot explain  any of the following: the falling real wages of
low-wage workers (1.9%  down in 2005) who generally do not have
employer-provided health insurance  (47% of the entire workforce does not);
the lower compensation growth  (wages and health and other benefits) in
2005 than in 2004; or the  slowdown in wage growth   in 2005 even though
health costs also rose  more slowly relative to earlier years (see The wage
squeeze and higher  health care costs).

The mission of the Economic  Policy Institute is to provide high-quality
research and education in  order to promote a prosperous, fair, and
sustainable economy. The  Institute stresses real world analysis and a
concern for the living  standards of working people, and it makes its
findings accessible to the  general public, the media, and policy makers.

Visit to read archived editions of  EPI News.