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Sunny Lam <[log in to unmask]>
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Social Determinants of Health <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 9 Dec 2007 22:13:21 -0500
text/plain (110 lines)
Remove bricks from welfare wall

Dec 08, 2007 04:30 AM
You would think that taxpayers who foot the bill for welfare would  
want the government to do everything in its power to help people on  
welfare to break free from the system and become self-sufficient.

Yet in many ways, the government puts a massive wall in the way of  
those trying to get off welfare. What that wall consists of is a  
tangle of rules and regulations that can leave welfare recipients  
worse off if they try to make the transition from welfare to work or  
if they try to better themselves by getting an education.

For example, if social assistance recipients work part-time to  
supplement their meagre incomes, welfare deducts 50 cents of every  
dollar they earn. If they live in public housing, their subsidized  
rent goes up 30 cents for every dollar earned. The remaining 20 cents  
is not even enough to cover work expenses such as public transit,  
child care, clothing and payroll deductions like the Canada Pension  

When added up, these deductions and extra work-related costs can be  
more than 100 per cent of what a person earned.

Last week, Star reporter Laurie Monsebraaten told readers the story  
of Zuher Ismail and his mother's efforts to escape poverty and the  
barriers Queen's Park has thrown in their way. Ismail lives with his  
working mother in a Toronto public housing building. When he took a  
part-time job to help pay the cost of his post-secondary education,  
his mother's subsidized rent went up by $100 a month. But if he were  
to move out to free her from that penalty, he could not earn enough  
money to support himself and still pay for his schooling.

That is just one example of the catch-22 situations outlined in a new  
report by policy analyst John Stapleton with the fitting title Why is  
it so tough to get ahead? How our tangled social programs pathologize  
the transition to self-reliance. The study was funded by the  
privately endowed Metcalfe Foundation.

The report spells out in detail how government policies and programs  
too often work at cross-purposes to punish people trying to improve  
their circumstances. Instead of assisting those who want to work,  
more often than not these policies discourage work.

And as a result, these misdirected social policies serve only to  
perpetuate poverty. By penalizing 18-year-olds such as Ismail who  
want to go to school, the rules, in fact, give them plenty of reasons  
to drop out.

This is counterproductive, because 18-year-olds should not be  
punished for trying to escape the conditions in which they grow up.

Stapleton, who for nearly three decades worked for Ontario's ministry  
of social services, says one thing the government could do to  
facilitate people's efforts to become more self-reliant is to give  
them "time outs," which would act as grace periods on public-housing  
rent increases, welfare and child benefit clawbacks and cuts to child- 
care subsidies.

For young people like Ismail, Stapleton recommends a grace period of  
up to four years so they can live at home, work part-time and pursue  
an education without causing more hardship for their families.

The Ontario government has already passed legislation to allow  
welfare recipients who take a job to keep their health benefits for  
six months to reduce this "welfare wall." Extending that six-month  
moratorium to all the other punitive measures that hit newly working  
adults is well worth more detailed study by Queen's Park. Stapleton  
claims it could be introduced almost overnight and would not be too  

Such changes would only affect an estimated 25,000 welfare families  
in the province who find themselves in a position where it is better  
for them financially to stay on welfare than go to work or school.

In the longer term, as the province comes up with its promised  
poverty reduction strategy, it should work with the federal  
government to ensure there are positive incentives for welfare  
recipients to find a job or pursue a post-secondary education.

Encouraging people to work and then in effect stripping them of the  
financial benefits that come with work makes little sense.

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