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"Mrs. Mary L. Christmas" <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 14 Apr 2000 17:38:51 -0400
text/plain (22 lines)
Someone has appeared in the course of my research, about whom I can find
little information. Paine writes that MT had a "good friend" named George
Gregory Smith who lived in Florence. I suspect Smith is the "Florence
friend" whom MT says Clara wrote to in 1903 about finding the Clemenses a
villa there.

The Mark Twain Project online database shows one letter to GGS on 12/21/03
(no surviving letter from Clara to GGS circa Spring '03), and 17 letters
GGS ranging from 9/03 to 6/04.

With nothing predating 1903, from whence did GGS so suddenly appear? Who is
he? What was his interest in Florence? Did MT befriend him in Florence in
the '90s, but only start corresponding with him when a need arose? Or are
the interim letters simply missing?

Can anyone supply further information about this "mystery man"?

Thanks and regards,

Mary Leah Christmas