Wed, 13 Sep 2006 10:37:51 -0400
The recent queries regarding Edison and Twain are, as many of us know, a
repeat of previous discussions. Of course, as new members come and go, this
is normal and typical of long standing list serves.
I wonder--could we collectively come up with a "Frequently Asked Questions"
file we could post at the Forum? It could contain text with answers to the
matter of Twain's recordings or links to sources where newcomers can find
what they need. I hesitate to suggest this as we all know our moderator is
taxed beyond his limits, so this would be more a collaborative project. I'm
trying to think of the most frequent threads, and admit the wax cylinders
matter probably tops the list. Not sure, off the top of my head, what other
hot topics have been.
Anyway, just an idea.
Wes Britton