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"d.raphael" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Health Promotion on the Internet <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 23 Nov 2000 09:59:10 PST
TEXT/PLAIN (142 lines)
I assume Canada is in this report as well.

Forwarded Message:
From: Nancy Krieger <[log in to unmask]>

fyi ...
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 18:36:38 -0500

>here is the website for the child poverty report:

info on the recent and astonishing UNICEF Report, "CHILD
NATIONS:  A LEAGUE TABLE" As you can imagine, the US stands
near the
bottom of rich nations, not only in failure to enact universal
insurance, but also in our tolerance of high levels of child
This report ... shows the deplorable position of the US.  The
preface quote:

"The persistence of child poverty in rich countries undermines
equality of opportunity and commonality of values.  It
therefore confronts
the industrialized world with a test both of its ideals and of
capacity to resolve many of its most intractable social

The US is 22nd out of 23 countries (above only Mexico) in the
poverty league, the percent of children living below national
lines (22.4%). The report discusses absolute and relative
poverty, women's
employment and poverty, child poverty in single or dual parent
child poverty and unemployment rates; low wages & child
poverty; social
expenditure as a percent of GNP and child poverty; as well as
the impact
of tax & transfer policy on child poverty.  It looks at child
overall (the US is deplorable!) and at the persistence of
child poverty.
It looks at European commitment to monitoring child poverty,
and the UK
commitment to eradicating child poverty.

It offers, from the Irish, an eight point campaign to
eliminate poverty:

1.  Define & measure poverty.
2.  Prove there is a problem.
3.  Create awareness.
4.  Highlight risks to children.
5.  Appeal to a respect for human rights and fairness.
6.  Debunk myths.
7.  Build partnerships.
8.  Demonstrate need for action.

It the US, as this report indicates, it would take 0.66% of
GNP to eradicate
child poverty.  Not much!

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In the early hours I read in the paper of epoch-making
On the part of pope and sovereigns, bankers and oil barons.
With my other eye I watch
The pot with the water for my tea
The way it clouds and starts to bubble and clears again
And overflowing the pot quenches the fire.

 -- Bertolt Brecht

Dennis Raphael, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Public Health Sciences
Graduate Department of Community Health
University of Toronto
McMurrich Building, Room 308
Toronto, Ontario, CANADA M5S 1A8
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