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Health Promotion on the Internet <[log in to unmask]>
Paulette Whyte <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 6 Aug 2003 15:20:43 -0400
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Health Promotion on the Internet <[log in to unmask]>
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 [ SWC(c) ]
Distance Learning  Curriculum Summary  2003/04
Canadian Institute of Stress

A focus on applications … workplace & public groups and for one-to-one

SWC training focuses on the applied skills for (1) conducting
presentations, (2) skills training workshops, and (3) one-to-one or group-
based coaching. Theory and underlying research have been distilled, based
in 20 years’ Institute applications, to the foundational propositions and
tools required for practitioner success.

All tools and formats taught have been selected so as to be flexibly
matched by the SWC to a wide range of needs and practice settings … with
an emphasis on the workplace and public health.

To further ensure graduates’ effectiveness, the Institute provides advice
during the six months following graduation.

Today’s need for credible Stress & Wellness Consultants

Today’s rapidly changing workplaces are proving to be high stress
incubators. Disability rates have climbed relentlessly. The best people
solve the stress problem simply by leaving. And corporately critical
change programs are often derailed by stress. Corporate stress-disability
rates have doubled from 1990 to 1999. Juggling work and family is rated,
by dual career families, as a top stressor, leading work absences to rise
in Canada by 12% from 2001 to 2002.

Prescriptions for anti-depressants and minor tranquilizers now rival, in $
terms, those for high blood pressure and related cardiovascular problems.
The U.S. National Academy of Sciences estimates that 70 to 80% of all
visits to the family doctor are now stress-related.

Responding to these needs, The Canadian Institute of Stress (CIS)
was founded in 1979 by the Internationally acknowledged “father of the
field”, Dr. Hans Selye, M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc., as well as 20 other
who understood the scope of his work, including six Nobel Prize laureates
Alvin Toffler, Buckminster Fuller and Marshall McLuhan.

Dr. Richard Earle, who was Dr. Selye’s last post-doctoral student (1979-
has directed the Institute’s development over the past 20 years.

Today, the Institute comprises more than 200 professionals across Canada
plus an equal number of leading practitioners and stress scientists around
the world … in countries including the U.K., Italy, India, Japan and the
U.S. The Institute’s published achievements, in workplaces and for
individuals, include …

Workplace results    Personal results
• Work stress  32% improvement &#61557;  Doctor’s office visits
  53% reduction
• Work satisfaction 38% improvement &#61557;  Days absent from work
 58% reduction
• Absence  18% reduction  &#61557;  Immunoglobulin A
 31% improvement
• Disability days 52% reduction  &#61557;  Stress hyper-reactivity
[EMG] 46% improvement
• Grievances  32% reduction  &#61557;  Stress recovery
time [EMG] 36% improvement
• Productivity    7% improvement &#61557;  Ability to
relax at will [GSR] 61% improvement
• Quality measures 13% improvement
Curriculum building blocks … the confident consultant’s tool kit

You will learn to  engage  &#61693;  coach  &#61693;  benefit individual & workplace
clients by skillfully using …

1. Your knowledge foundation – the distilled essence of bio-psycho-
social and spiritual concepts of wellness and wellness-under-stress …
enabling you to quickly develop a motivating relationship-for-learning
with any client … empowering them for the performance and satisfaction
they are seeking.

2. Your communications and marketing framework, “Wellness for
Stressful Times” [WST] &#61652; is your core, yet flexible message of “What I do
for my clients, and how I do it”. You will learn how to present WST as a
one-hour seminar … or as compacted to a 2-minute on-the-spot infomercial
about stress & wellness consulting. WST includes such self-assessment
tools as “Do I Need Stress Coaching?”.

3. Skills training workshops and group-based coaching. You will learn
how the WST template can be flexibly expanded to 2- to 4-hour workshop
designs by incorporating one or all of the five “Vital Skills” you will
learn to use [see below]. For your convenience, lecturettes and skills
exercises are fully scripted, and supported by overheads plus participant
exercise materials.

4. The Personal Wellness Plan [PWP] &#61652; is a flexible two-hour step-by-
step process, a blueprint complete with assessment tools, for launching
your client’s self-discovery [whether one-to-one or in groups] …
discovering their uniquely personalized, strongly motivated action plan …
for moving beyond painful stress into higher levels of wellness.

5. Autogenic body~mind technology + on-line Action Diary  are the
leading edge tools you’ll use to partner with your clients in their 4-week
Start-Up program … focusing and supporting their growing progress in
wellness and stress control.

6. Five “Vital Skills” for stress control & wellness – Twenty (20)
years’ research in the Institute’s Body Age program have shown these five
skills – when uniquely tailored to each client in their personalized
prescription – to be the heart of their progress in working with you.

Eligibility for the SWC(c) 14-week training – Candidates must (a) hold
current active standing in a health and human service or human resources
professional association, and (b) be able to demonstrate at least two
years’ experience in which at least 30% of professional practice has been
in individual coaching and/or group-based training.

Distance learning format – Respecting students’ busy schedules, all
lectures, in-class discussions and coaching-your-progress sessions are
held by telephone conferencing, with preparatory reading, lecture
materials and A.V. resources downloaded from the Institute site on the
web. Two-hour lectures each Saturday, 10 A.M. to noon EST,  plus two-hour
coaching sessions each Wednesday evening, 6 to 8 P.M. EST.

    Scheduled next    September 13,  2003.

Tuition is $3000 for the 14-week program. Tuition reductions are available
to public health professionals.

For more details … Visit “SWC Certification” at  or  call
(416) 236-4218

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