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Health Promotion on the Internet <[log in to unmask]>
Robyn Kalda <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 26 Sep 2005 10:53:46 -0400
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Health Promotion on the Internet <[log in to unmask]>
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-----Original Message-----
From: Food News [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: September 26, 2005 12:13 AM
Subject: Be a Founding Member of Food Secure Canada 


Be a Founding Member of Food Secure Canada 

(French version will be available soon) Please see for a copy.

A new Canadian organization has emerged to unite people and organizations working for food security nationally and globally. The first formal meeting of Food Secure Canada (FSC) takes place in Waterloo as part of the National Food Security Conference, Sept. 30 - Oct. 2, 2005.  To set the organization's plan of work, and to be considered for the Steering Committee, you have to be a member.  FSC needs members from many sectors to be effective, including housing, health, social policy, transportation, agriculture, education, and community, cultural, and charitable groups, and businesses.

FSC works to ensure that the following interconnected goals are achieved: 
(1) Zero Hunger: All people at all times must be able to acquire, in a dignified manner, adequate quantity and quality of culturally and personally acceptable food. 
(2) A sustainable food system (including the fishery and other wild foods): Food in Canada must be harvested, produced, processed, distributed and consumed in a manner which maintains and enhances the quality of land, air and water for future generations,  and in which people are able to earn a living wage in a safe and healthy working environment by harvesting, growing, producing, processing, handling, retailing and serving food.
(3) Healthy and safe food: Nourishing foods must be readily at hand  (and less nourishing ones restricted); food (including wild foods) must not be contaminated with pathogens or industrial chemicals; and no novel food can be allowed to enter the environment or food chain without rigorous independent testing and the existence of an on-going tracking and surveillance system, to ensure its safety for human consumption. 

FSC begins life as an unincorporated and unregistered non-profit alliance of organizations and unaffiliated individuals.  It works for its members, facilitating collaborative activities by members to advance food security.  FSC only has a distinct voice when its members so decide through formal approval mechanisms.  Projects emerge from the members and, once agreement in principle has been reached, are advanced by FSC with the involvement of those members participating in the initiative. 

Categories of FSC membership and dues:
Organizational members (with appointed individual) - must be a non-governmental organization wholly or partly involved in food security work or research on a not-for-profit basis.  Community roundtables that are attached to government for administrative purposes may be organizational members.  An organizational member identifies an individual who participates in FSC and carries the organization's vote.

Budget over $100,000                                       $250/year                                 
Budget under $100,000 with permanent staff                 $100/year                                   
Budget under $100,000 with no permanent staff              $50/year                                  

Unaffiliated individual members - people with an interest in food security who are not affiliated with an organization are eligible to join and have voting privileges.
Waged                                                      $25                                 
Unwaged                                                    $10
Associates - organizations or individuals that work in other fields, government units, or profit-making bodies may be associate members without voting privileges or membership on the steering committee.
Associates                                                 $40

We look forward to your participation in Food Secure Canada!

Drafting Committee:
Herb Barbolet, Vancouver, BC
Marjorie Bencz, Edmonton Gleaners' Association, Edmonton, AB
Cathy Campbell, St.Matthew's Anglican Church, Winnipeg, MB
Stuart Clark, Winnipeg, MB
Ellen Desjardins, Waterloo Region Public Health, Waterloo, ON
Debbie Field, FoodShare, Toronto, ON
Micky Fraterman, Canadian Association of Food Banks, Toronto, ON
Jean-François Henry, Union des Consommateurs, Montréal, QC
Cathleen Kneen, BC Food Systems Network, Sorrento, BC
Mustafa Koc, Dept. of Sociology, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON
Don Kossick, Saskatoon Food Coalition, Saskatchewan, SK
James Kuhns, Daily Bread Food Bank, Toronto, ON
Jean-Charles Le Vallée, Development Gateway Foundation, QC
Kenton Lobe, Manitoba Food Charter, Winnipeg, MB
Rod MacRae, Ryerson Centre for Studies in Food Security, Toronto, ON
Heidi Magnuson-Ford, Winnipeg Harvest, Winnipeg, MB
David Northcott, Winnipeg, MB
Nancy Pole, Regroupement des cuisines collectives du Québec, Montréal, QC
Darrin Qualman, National Farmers' Union, Saskatoon, SK
Melba Rabinowitz, Food Security Network of Newfoundland and Labrador, St. John's, NF
Wayne Roberts, Toronto Food Policy Council, 
Nick Saul, The Stop Community Food Centre, Toronto, ON
Cliff Stainsby, BC Government and Service Employees' Union (BCGEU), Victoria, BC
Mary Swendson, Health Coordinator, Moricetown Band Council, BC
Pierre Verreault, Canadian Council of Professional Fish Harvesters

WHO WE ARE: This e-mail service shares information to help more people discuss crucial policy issues affecting global food security.  The service is managed by Amber McNair of the University of Toronto in partnership with the Centre for Urban Health Initiatives (CUHI) and Wayne Roberts of the Toronto Food Policy Council, in partnership with the Community Food Security Coalition, World Hunger Year, and International Partners for Sustainable Agriculture.  
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