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Health Promotion on the Internet


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Health Promotion on the Internet <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 3 Feb 2007 17:47:05 -0500
Health Promotion on the Internet <[log in to unmask]>
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Reilly-King Patricia <[log in to unmask]>
To: canchid <[log in to unmask]>
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Synergy Online – January 2007
  Also available on the web: >>
  In this issue:
  * The Global Right to Health launch of the Canadian Development Report, Vancouver and Edmonton
* UNICEF releases report on the state of the world's children 2007
* 4th Summer Institute for New Global Health Researchers
* Regional Director position available at Canadian Crossroads International
* 120th World Health Organization (WHO) Executive Board session
* Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in Darfur - Populations recently displaced by violence remain isolated
  The Global Right to Health launch of the Canadian Development Report, Vancouver and Edmonton:
The North-South Institute, Engineers Without Borders, and the Global Education Program of the University of Alberta International invite you to the Edmonton launch of The Global Right to Health, the 2007 edition of the Canadian Development Report.  A panel will address questions related to the right to health, why it is important, and how it might best be achieved. This public forum will be an opportunity to discuss health-related issues and the global right to health’s impact on development in the North and in the South. Presentation will be followed by a question and answers session.  The Vancouver launch will take place Tuesday, February 6, 2007, 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm, Liu Institute for Global Issues, Multipurpose Room, 6476 NW Marine Drive, Vancouver, BC. The Edmonton launch will take place Thursday, February 8, 2007 from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm, Natural Resources Engineering Building, Room 1-001, 114 St - 89 Ave, Edmonton, Alberta.  For more information contact
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  UNICEF releases report on the state of the world's children 2007: 
The 2007 State of the World's Children report examines the discrimination and disempowerment women face throughout their lives, and outlines what must be done to eliminate gender discrimination and empower women and girls. The State of the World's Children 2007 reports on the lives of women around the world for a simple reason: gender equality and the well-being of children go hand in hand. When women are empowered to live full and productive lives, children prosper. UNICEF's experience also shows the opposite; when women are denied equal opportunity within a society, children suffer. Working within countries to achieve Millennium Development Goal 3 - promoting gender equality and empowering women - will reap the double dividend of bettering the lives of both women and children. It will also contribute to achieving all the other goals, from reducing poverty and hunger to saving children's lives, improving maternal health, ensuring universal education, combating HIV/AIDS,
 malaria and other diseases, ensuring environmental sustainability, and developing new and innovative partnerships for development. This report illustrates the many challenges that remain. For a look at the report, see
  4th Summer Institute for New Global Health Researchers:
The Canadian Coalition is pleased to announce the call for applications for the 4th Summer Institute for New Global Health Researchers, to be held in partnership with the Centre for Development Studies in Trivandrum, Kerala, India from August 13-20, 2007. Please visit the CCGHR website at for more information, including the guidelines and application. 
  Regional Director position available at Canadian Crossroads International:
Canadian Crossroads International (CCI) is a bilingual, non-profit international development organization, with four offices across Canada. CCI works internationally, engaging and strengthening individuals, organizations and communities through mutual learning and collective action, to create a more equitable and sustainable world.  CCI currently has an opening for the position of Regional Director, Ontario Region located in Toronto.  CCI is looking for an enthusiastic and experienced leader who wants to contribute to combating AIDS and promoting women’s equality in West Africa. Reporting to the National Director of Programmes, this position provides strategic and operational leadership in the development and implementation of CCI’s innovative partnership approach in the Ontario Regional Office. The Ontario Regional Director also has responsibility for providing leadership in AIDS programming throughout the organization.  As a member of CCI’s management team, the Regional
 Director also works with other National and Regional Directors to oversee and strengthen CCI’s operations in all areas.  Please submit your résumé and cover letter by 16 February 2007 by e-mail to [log in to unmask] making reference to Regional Director, Ontario Region in the subject line.
  120th World Health Organization (WHO) Executive Board session:
The WHO Executive Board's 120th session took place in Geneva, Switzerland from January 22 to 29, 2007. It opened with a speech by the new Director-General, Dr Margaret Chan, and discussed a number of public health issues. Among the issues on the agenda were: measles prevention and control; malaria; chronic diseases; avian and pandemic influenza; implementation of the International Health Regulations; tuberculosis control; and oral health.  The Board agreed on resolutions on a number of issues, including polio eradication, tuberculosis, health systems and emergency-care systems, oral health, a gender strategy, avian and pandemic influenza, and smallpox. The resolutions will be submitted to the World Health Assembly in May 2007. The Board is composed of 34 members technically qualified in the field of health. Members are elected for three-year terms. The main Board meeting is held in January where the agenda for the forthcoming World Health Assembly is agreed upon and
 resolutions to forward for consideration at the Health Assembly are adopted. A second shorter meeting is held in May, immediately after the Health Assembly.  For more information, see 
  Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in Darfur - Populations recently displaced by violence remain isolated:
Since late December 2006, new attacks in West Darfur, Sudan have destroyed several villages and have led to the displacement of thousands of people. Displaced persons have found refuge in Ardamata and Dorti camps, situated on the outskirts of El Geneina, the capital of west Darfur, while other people remain blocked further north in Tanjeke.  While some 750 families have so far been able to reach the Ardamata and Dorti camps, numerous others have been left behind and remain at the mercy of armed groups still active in the region. On January 19, an MSF evaluation team was able to reach Tanjeke, but high levels of insecurity on the road have prevented any further intervention. This highly volatile environment leaves the already weakened displaced population without much needed assistance.  Meanwhile, in El Geneina, displaced persons continue to arrive in small groups, mostly at night due to the risk of attacks on the roads. There are many reports of acts of violence
 perpetrated against villagers. In Ardamata camp, MSF has set up a mobile medical unit to screen new arrivals, and more than 500 people have been treated. In addition, on January 8, non-food items such as water containers, blankets, and plastic-sheeting were distributed in Ardamata and Dorti camps to 750 families. High-energy protein biscuits have also been distributed to the displaced. A number of shelters have been erected as well.  For more information, see
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