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"Stirling, Alison" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Health Promotion on the Internet <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 15 Jul 2004 10:46:17 -0400
text/plain (98 lines)
In response to a message that I sent out to the CLICK4HP list, and Michel
O'Neill distributed to HPSEDUC regarding questions of competencies for
health promotion, Peter Howat sent me a copy of a recent  report on Health
Promotion competencies in Australia.  As CLICK4HP list does not have
attachments, it cannot, nor should not, be sent out to all 1250 subscribers
around the world. With Peter Howat's agreement, I am copying in the abstract
of the report below.

Anyone seeking a copy of the full report can contact Peter Howat
preferably  via  email, <[log in to unmask]>
Peter Howat, Assoc Professor & Head
Dept. Health Promotion, School of Public Health
Curtin University
GO Box U1987
Perth, W Australia 6845
FAX 61-8-9266- 2958  PHONE  61-8-9266-7997

{This  is  the website that  lists projects  etc  that might  be  of
interest, but the report has not yet been loaded onto it}

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

by Trevor Shilton , Peter Howat, Ray James, Tony Lower
Western Australian Centre for Health Promotion Research, Curtin University,
and National Heart Foundation of Australia (WA Division)
Perth, Western Australia
2002 Report #97 ISBN 1 74067 1759

This report discusses work undertaken throughout Australia in 2000 and 2001.
It builds on the Health Promotion Competencies Project undertaken almost 10
years previously by Curtin University, the Australian Health Promotion
Association and the National Heart Foundation of Australia (WA Division).
That project, concluded in 1994, used Delphi methodology to identify 63
competencies relevant to health promotion practice.

With rapid developments in health promotion in Australia since the initial
project, it was considered both desirable and timely that a review of
competencies be undertaken. This study aims to:
·       review competencies that have been identified for full time health
promotion practitioners working in Australian settings.
·       revise the list of competencies so they are relevant for these
practitioners during the first few years of the 21st century.
·       propose purposes for which competencies may be put in the interest
of advancing health promotion practice in Australia.

Research was conducted in four Phases
Phase One consisted of a literature search was conducted.
In Phase Two a national expert panel of professionals was recruited to
review and amend the current list of competencies.
In Phases Three and Four two rounds of a Delphi process were conducted to
gain the views of a sample of 425 practitioners throughout Australia.
The collated results of Phase Four are presented in this report.
Competencies considered 'essential', 'desirable' or 'specific' by health
promotion practitioners are highlighted.

This study synthesizes the views of over 200 practitioners who work in
health promotion, and documents their views about the range of competencies
that define their field of work, and are necessary for effective practice.
The study identifies broad consensus around a list of 82 competencies under
the eight broad headings of:
·       Needs Assessment
·       Planning
·       Implementation
·       Communication
·       Knowledge
·       Organisation and management
·       Evaluation and research
·       Use of technology

Suggested applications of the competencies are proposed. These include use
in course development for tertiary institutions, for continuing education in
employing agencies or for performance management and drafting of position

-----Original Message-----
Sent: July 5, 2004 3:10 PM

On June 30th, the Ontario Health Promotion Email (OHPE) Bulletin carried a
very interesting, eloquent letter to the editor,
responding to a recent feature article in the OHPE Bulletin about
competencies in public health. Brian Hyndman  wrote in response to OHPE
Bulletin ( with
additional thoughts on core competencies in health promotion.

Alison Stirling,
co-facilitator, CLICK4HP listserv
health promotion consultant, Ontario Prevention Clearinghouse
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