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Health Promotion on the Internet


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"Stirling, Alison" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Health Promotion on the Internet <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 24 May 2002 13:03:05 -0400
text/plain (141 lines)

Please disregard the previous message from 'Marketing Healthcare Hound'.  It
was an inappropriate posting to the CLICK4HP health promotion list.  While
this e-list is not moderated, that is postings do not have to be approved
before posting, there are general guidelines for posting messages, that the
three facilitators of this list encourage consideration by all participants.

I am copying these guidelines into this message, and reordering them to
highlight our position on Advertising.  Your comments and feedback are
always welcome.


      Working Guidelines for Posting to Click4hp

  Advertising Products/Services:

Posting advertisements for commercial health related products or services on
Click4hp is discouraged. List participants are welcome to mention
services/resources relevant to furthering health promotion work in the
context of a discussion underway on Click4hp and invite inquiries directly
by email. Please refrain from including pricing or ordering material. When
in doubt, please forward your posting in advance to one of the list
facilitators for review prior to posting.


General Suggestions for Posting to Mailing Lists on the Internet:

                       *Give Your Postings a Title*

When you write or reply to a message check the subject line to ensure it
reflects the content of the message. Edit it if necessary.

                           *Replying to Messages*

When replying to a posting, quote only the text required to put your reply
in context.
It helps to cut-and-paste quotes into new messages.
Try to edit out needless lines in replies and forwarded material.
If you have to scroll down a whole screen to get to where your response
begins you have probably quoted too much.

IMPORTANT! Check to ensure you have removed the header from the message you
are replying to. Failing to delete the TO: line in the message you are
quoting may mean your message will not be posted. The mailing list software
catches these headers as a precaution against mail loops.

Before you hit REPLY be sure to check the TO: line. You may not want your
private message read by the whole list.
If you do not know the e-mail address of the person you wish to reach, you
can review the list of subscribers to the list by sending an e-mail message
to the list-serv [<[log in to unmask]>], leaving the subject line *blank*,
and in the message body type in Review CLICK4HP. A list of current
non-concealed subscribers will be sent to you soon after you send that

You should not repost private email to the list without permission.

         * Do Not Use Attachments*

Please - do NOT send attachments to this listserv or to any other.  As
attachments create difficulties for many subscribers, in downloading time,
potential for viruses in attachments, incompatibility of word-processing
systems and blocks by many IT systems on attachments, it is now the policy
of this listserv to **block all attachments**.
Take the time to copy and paste the text from attachments into the body of
messages. Your messages will go further and be distributed, and it will be

          *Identify Yourself*

Please sign your messages at the end with your name and email address. Some
email software fails to capture the sender's name from the header, making it
impossible to follow up, off the list, by email.

           *Keeping your Messages Readable*

Keep messages short - two or three screens of information - and 'point' to
sources of further information (yourself, web pages, etc.).

Use 'white space' in your message to improve readability.
Use lists and line breaks to space out the information and improve
readability online.

          *Avoid Word-Wrap*

When using wordprocessor software, compose with a non-proportional (fixed)
10 pitch font.
Proportional fonts crowd more characters on a standard line and cause
word-wrap (full lines followed by line fragments) when posted.

When in doubt check attachments in a DOS/ASCII editor or first email them to
yourself, as a test.

            *Minimum Standards of Respect and Personal Conduct*

Demonstrate respect for the ideas of others in your replies even if you do
not agree. Debate and discussion are welcome and encouraged. Do not send
email when angry or upset.

When attempting humour or sarcasm always clearly indicate this with the use
of an emoticon such as :-) or ;-) commonly referred to as smilies.

Use uppercase text sparingly. Many readers consider capital letters as the
equivalent of shouting online. The use of spacing or asterisks like *this*
is another way to indicate emphasis.

We hope you will  send your comments on these guidelines to one of the
facilitators so that we can make any revisions needed to make them

One final thought:
As more of us do online health promotion work new participants will join and
need opportunities to learn and become oriented in the online workspace.
CLICK4HP's online facilitators are here to provide assistance and
orientation, and to animate discussion and debate. When in doubt you can
always contact one of us  for advice, or with suggestions. To reach all of
us, just send your email to  <[log in to unmask]>.

Liz Rykert <[log in to unmask]>
Alison Stirling <[log in to unmask]>
Sam Lanfranco <[log in to unmask]>

-----Original Message-----
From: Mktg Healthcare Hound [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Friday, May 24, 2002 3:03 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Send Your Resumes to the RIGHT Hiring Executives - Effectively!

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