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James Snowden <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 7 Apr 2009 13:27:39 -0700
text/plain (35 lines)
Well, Michel, for a first timer agents are an extremely tough get,
particularly in theater, and publication opportunities are going to
be hard (if not impossible) to find until you've had a full
production. And, even if you get a yes, you'll probably have grown
old waiting for it.

I would suggest that you seek out people in your local theater
community first. (Or, if not people in Panama City, places nearby).
Conduct readings. Meet actors and directors. See if you can get
someone excited enough about your project to put it on a stage.
Failing that, lay some money down and do it yourself. With luck, it
gets reviewed. We very good luck, it gets a good review, and you'll
have a package you can show to other producing organizations and
publishers. There aren't a lot of opportunities sitting out there in
the theater world. Often, to get anywhere, you have to make your own.

In the meantime, you should try contests, fellowship opportunities,
workshops, anything to get your play in front of theatrical
professionals who might take temporary leave of their senses to
produce a newcomer's debut.

Of course, if you know anyone who already has an agent, is willing to
read your play, and afterwards praise it to the skies (and, more
importantly, to their agent), you'll have enough of an in to at least
get their agent's heart started. That's no guarantee, of course, but
it's your best bet.

(You're welcome to submit to my company, by the way, but please read
the submission guidelines before you start attaching files to emails.
We've already done an audiobook of Twain, but if your work is good

Jim Snowden
Artistic Director, MMIP