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Barbara Anello <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Wed, 7 Jul 2004 19:08:43 -0400
text/plain (65 lines)
Research Report from the Lesbians and Breast Cancer Project  now available

Coming Out About Lesbians and Cancer is the research report from the
Lesbians and Breast Cancer Project.

"There's actually a title that says, Lesbians and Cancer - I could not
believe it when I saw that those two words actually existed in the same
sentence. I mean seriously, that's the first time I've ever seen it, you
know."  ~ Sarah (research participant)

The report [in summary form, and now as the full 100+ page document] is
available for download from the DAWN Ontario website,   (in either HTML, PDF and/or WORD format)

Paper copies of the summary report are available free of charge from Willow
Breast Cancer Support & Resource Services.  Toll-free: 1-888-778-3100; in
Toronto: 416 778-5000; TTY: 416 778-4082;  Email: [log in to unmask]

With thanks to the Partner Agencies:

.  The 519 Church Street Community Centre
.  DAWN Ontario: DisAbled Women's Network Ontario
.  The Coalition for Lesbian & Gay Rights in Ontario
.  Gilda's Club
.  The Metropolitan Community Church of Toronto
.  The Ontario Breast Cancer Community Research Initiative
.  The Rainbow Health Network
.  Sherbourne Health Centre
.  Sunnybrook & Women's College Health Sciences Centre - Social Work &
Professional Advisory Committee
.  Willow Breast Cancer Support & Resource Services

The project was made possible with the generous support of the Canadian
Breast Cancer Foundation, Ontario Chapter.

Barbara Anello
Acting Chair
DAWN Ontario
975 McKeown Ave. Unit 5A, Suite 162
North Bay, ON  P1B 9P2
705.494.9078 [Voice]
Email: [log in to unmask]

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