====================== HES POSTING ===================
Announcing E-DOCS, a scholarly list about historical documents on the
E-DOCS is a discussion list and website for professionals involved in
the production, distribution, and organization of historical documents
on the Internet. Using this list we hope to foster conversation and
information exchange about issues relating to electronic texts,
including access, transcription, quality control, copyright and other
legal problems, document markup and annotation, teaching applications,
and textual analysis. E-DOCS will sponsor reviews of websites and
software, distribute information about new developments in the field,
host workshops and encourage collaboration among content producers,
organizers, and publishers. E-DOCS invites subscribers to submit their
website information, announcements, teaching materials, bibliographies,
listings of new sources and archives, and reports on new software,
datasets and cd-roms.
Subscriptions are free, and open to all who are interested in
electronic documents on the web. Applicants fill out a short
description of their document-related interests. To subscribe: send the
form at the bottom of this message to <[log in to unmask]>
E-DOCS is a moderated list. The editors will read every submission,
consolidate postings where appropriate, answer technical queries and
will assist with subscription problems. While no relevant posting will
be arbitrarily refused, the editor may return submissions to the sender
for major corrections in grammar, spelling and formatting, or to
suggest stylistic improvements and bibliographic citations. (If you
mention a book or article, please try to include full name, title and
date.) The editor will not alter the meaning of messages without the
author's permission. The editors will not publish flames, personal
attacks, irrelevant items, or items that should go directly to someone
else rather than the whole list. The current editor will be identified
in all messages coming from the list. The editors are responsible to
the subscribers, to the larger "republic of letters," and to an
editorial advisory board that will be selected (volunteers welcome.)
COPYRIGHT: All messages are automatically copyright by the authors,
with the understanding that "Fair Use" provision of the law and the
customs of the Internet allow for cross-posting and copying for
educational purposes, without the need to ask the author's permission.
E-DOCS is a publication, and all messages are permanently archived. To
obtain the files for a particular month send this message to
[log in to unmask]
get e-docs log9902
(where 9902 = February 1999)
A suggested citation to a message is:
Jean Jones, "Teaching With E-Documents." [log in to unmask], 2-20-99
Current Editors:
Lloyd Benson, Furman University <[log in to unmask]>
Richard Jensen, U of Illinois <[log in to unmask]>
Vernon Burton, U of Illinois, < [log in to unmask]>
------------------cut here and mail to <[log in to unmask]>
a) Firstname Lastname
b) Postal/mailing address
c) your www page
d) Best email address
e) School or academic affiliation and status [professor/grad
student/ librarian/ independent scholar/ etc]
f) Teaching, research, editing or publication interests
g) Comments on what you would like to see on E-DOCS
h) Can you volunteer to review sites and software programs or help with the
web site? which site or program would you like to review?
send to <[log in to unmask]> and our editors will sign you up
============ FOOTER TO HES POSTING ============
For information, send the message "info HES" to [log in to unmask]