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Erika Khandor <[log in to unmask]>
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Health Promotion on the Internet <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 19 Jun 2006 13:36:34 -0400
text/plain (48 lines)
REMINDER: Launch of “Failing the Homeless” report on Barriers to ODSP Access, 
June 20th 

Ontario disability benefits are failing homeless people with disabilities. The 
Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) is intended to assist low-income 
people with disabilities, but many disabled homeless people are unable to 
access this program.

Over the past year and a half Street Health, a community-based health care 
organization working with homeless and underhoused people in downtown Toronto, 
has been working on a research project exploring the barriers to accessing ODSP 
for our clients, while at the same time helping them to secure benefits.

We are excited to announce that we will be launching our research report on 
Tuesday, June 20th at 12:30pm at Regent Park Community Health Centre in Toronto.

The report, entitled: “Failing the Homeless: Barriers in the Ontario Disability 
Support Program (ODSP) for Homeless People with Disabilities”, identifies key 
barriers and delays in the ODSP system for homeless people. It also makes 
recommendations for how to improve access to ODSP benefits for homeless people 
with disabilities.

Among the many important project findings and outcomes, these are some of the 
most staggering:
-100% of study participants were eligible for the ODSP, but 0% were receiving 
benefits when they enrolled in the project
-100% of eligible participants NEEDED HELP accessing ODSP benefits
-100% of homeless participants who successfully secured ODSP benefits were ABLE 

Please join us on June 20th to hear more about the project’s findings, outcomes 
and recommended solutions for increasing ODSP access:

Tuesday, June 20th at 12:30pm
Regent Park Community Health Centre (main lobby)
465 Dundas Street East, Toronto ON (south-east corner of Dundas East and 

Following June 20th, the Summary and Full reports will be available on our 
website at:

For additional information about the launch or the report please contact Erika 
Khandor at [log in to unmask] 

We look forward to seeing you!

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