Family Health International is pleased to announce the publication of
new resources on youth!
YouthNet's End of Program Report - Taking Action: Recommendations and
idsfxdyob64lrnxf4ollkmhyiwbpplw73jdjkro/EOPreport.pdf> (PDF, 583 KB).
The YouthNet Program (2001-2006) final report synthesizes the most
important findings from its work into ten results, incorporating
findings from research, technical assistance, country activities, global
leadership, publications, and more.
YouthNet Publications, 2002-2006. This CD-ROM includes all YouthNet
publications produced during the life of the program.
Youth Issues Paper No. 7: Youth Peer Education in Reproductive Health
and HIV/AIDS: Progress, Process, and Programming for the Future
vmmva36aydt65naap6vaxyezz42bvaeuoohof6a/YI7.pdf> (PDF, 413 KB). This
28-page report summarizes the latest thinking on youth peer education,
based on a technical consultation held in 2006, with evidence of the
degree of impact, examples of programs that are scaling up activities,
and suggestions for the future.
Available Electronically Only:
Teaching Adults to Communicate with Youth from a Muslim Perspective
cpsdcprvdrtpjor4dz4xofouaoaeeru54hnbirm/MFLEcurriculum.pdf> (PDF, 3.45
MB) and accompanying Participant Handbook
ksfjewvx2ncep45x7xfferc367rtlp232zq553j/MFLEhandbook1.PDF> (PDF, 2.28
MB). The manual encourages open discussion about sexuality, reproductive
health, and HIV in the context of the Muslim faith. Participants
practice communication skills and learn factual information as linked to
religious teachings and appropriate Quran verses. It is not designed to
promote religion.
All YouthNet documents can be viewed and downloaded from the YouthNet
website at (go to YouthNet publications page). To
request hard copies of the first 3 mentioned here, please send an email
to [log in to unmask] and specify which publication(s) you would like to
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