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Sat, 26 Nov 2005 15:48:35 -0500
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Synergy Online – November  2005

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In this issue:
* CCI Regional Director position available
* East West Centre Summer Seminar 2006
* Yale University 2005 International Health Conference
* Global Health Research Initiative call for letters of intent
* Remember the Children - Global Fund Round 6 in 2006
* USAID announces new E-Learning Center
* Small Grants Fund Approved (November 14, 2005)
* New Deadline for Election to CSIH Board of Directors 2005-2007
* 11th World Congress on Public Health
* CIDA on Women, Girls and HIV/AIDS
* Shaping CSIH - Strategic Planning Exercise 2005/2006


CCI Regional Director position available:  Canadian Crossroads
International works to engage and strengthen individuals, organizations and
communities through mutual learning and collective action in order to
create a more equitable and sustainable world.  CCI currently has an
opening for the position of Regional Director, Western Region, located in
Vancouver.  Canadian Crossroads International is looking for an
enthusiastic and experienced leader to help the organization achieve its
bold new strategic directions. This position provides strategic and
operational leadership in the development and implementation of the work of
CCI’s Western Regional Office.  Please submit your résumé and cover letter
by 28 November, 2005 to [log in to unmask]    

East West Centre Summer Seminar 2006: The East-West Center announces its
37th annual Summer Seminar on Population from May 30-June 29, 2006 at the
East West Center in Honolulu, Hawaii. There are three independent but
concurrent workshops, along with seminar-wide activities. The three
workshops are: communicating with policymakers about population and health;
from analysis to action; advocating for effective HIV responses; livable
cities in pacific Asia; and, research methods for policy analysis. The
application deadline is December 31, 2005.  For more information, see 

Yale University 2005 International Health Conference:  Yale University will
host a conference entitled "Empowering Communities to Bridge Health
Divides".  The conference will take place from April 1 to 2, 2006 at Yale
University in New Haven, Connecticut.  Anyone interested in medicine,
health education, health promotion, public health, international health,
international service, nonprofits, or eye care is encouraged to attend. 
The goal of the conference is to empower participants to identify health
needs and to develop solutions to improve access to care for the medically
underserved.  For more information, see 

Global Health Research Initiative call for letters of intent:  The Global
Health Research Initiative – a partnership among the Canadian International
Development Agency, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Health Canada
and the International Development Research Centre – invites letters of
intent from teams composed of Canadian and low and middle-income country
(LMIC) researchers and research users interested in developing innovative
multi-year programs that combine applied research, knowledge translation
and capacity building to solve pressing health problems in LMICs. The
Teasdale-Corti Team Grants are part of a collaborative new health program
of work developed by the GHRI. To view the full call for letters of intent,

Remember the Children - Global Fund Round 6 in 2006: The Global AIDS
Alliance and its partners in the Global Action for Children coalition are
urging the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria to focus its Round 6
grants on providing comprehensive support for children in developing
countries that bear the brunt of epidemic disease worldwide. Specifically,
GAA is calling for the Global Fund's Board of Directors to approve
disbursement of a sixth round of grants during 2006 at its upcoming meeting
in Marrakesh (December 15-16), and to focus that round on grants that
prioritize the needs of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC). As described
in a new advocacy brief, "Remember the Children: Global Fund Round 6 in
2006," released October 17, 2005, the Global Fund is well positioned to
play a leadership role in accelerating financial and material assistance
that will enable affected countries and communities to build the local
capacity required to support millions of orphans and vulnerable children
now and in the years ahead. For more information on this, see


USAID announces new E-Learning Center: The USAID Global Health Bureau
announces the new Global Health E-Learning Center. The Center offers a
series of health and population e-learning courses that will cover a wide
range of public health issues.  The e-learning courses will provide useful
and timely continuing education for professionals interested in health and
population issues and offer state-of-the-art technical content on key
public health topics.  It will also serve as a practical resource for
increasing public health knowledge.  To access the Global Health E-learning
Center and courses, visit the Web site at  

Small Grants Fund Approved (November 14, 2005): The HIV/AIDS Small Grants
Fund has been approved. The focus of the grants will be HIV/AIDS and
Gender. As soon as the contract with CIDA is signed and the Steering
Committee has met, there will be a call for proposals. The deadline for the
receipt of proposals will be approximately 8 weeks later. Additional
information will be posted here as it comes available.  For more on this,

New Deadline for Election to CSIH Board of Directors 2005-2007:  Every two
years the Canadian Society for International Health holds elections for
members of the Society to serve on the Board of Directors. This is an
exciting opportunity to become involved in providing leadership and overall
direction to the society.  Board members need to be dedicated to
international health and development and have the time to attend at least
four Board meetings a year [some by teleconference], and to sit on the
society's various sub committees and task forces.  Persons interested
should be prepared to serve on the Board for a two-year term.  The Society
covers all expenses related to participation in Board meetings.  Deadline
for receiving completed nomination forms is 5:00 p.m. EDT, Monday, November
28th, 2005. Faxed or e-mailed forms will be accepted.  For additional
information, please contact the Nominating Committee at [log in to unmask]

11th World Congress on Public Health: The World Federation of Public Health
Associations (WFPHA) and the Brazilian Association of Collective Health
(ABRASCO) invite the public health leadership from all parts of the world
to come to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and join the 11th World Congress on
Public Health, and the 8th Brazilian Congress on Collective Health in
addressing the Congress theme: “Public Health in a Globalized World:
Breaking down Political, Social and Economic Barriers”.  The conference
will take place from August 21 to 26, 2006 in Rio de Janeiro.  For more
information, see 

CIDA on Women, Girls and HIV/AIDS:  In the past two years, the number of
women living with HIV/AIDS has risen in each region of the world. Women and
girls now make up nearly half of the 37.2 million people aged 15 to
49 living with HIV/AIDS worldwide. In sub-Saharan Africa, one of the
hardest-hit regions, 75 percent of young people infected are girls aged 15
to 24. It is becoming increasingly obvious that gender inequality, or
unequal relations between women and men, and women's lack of empowerment
are among the root causes of the global spread of HIV/AIDS. Addressing
gender inequality and meeting the needs of women and girls is key to
stopping the spread of the disease. Canada continues to play a strategic
leadership role in the global fight against HIV/AIDS and is taking on the
important issue of gender inequality and the pandemic.  To find out what
CIDA is doing about this, see 

Shaping CSIH - Strategic Planning Exercise 2005/2006: The Canadian Society
for International Health is undertaking a strategic planning process to
maximize its relevance and uniqueness within the Canadian international
health landscape. We would highly value your contribution to the process.  
Please, take a few minutes to complete this survey
[] Return it to [log in to unmask] by Wednesday,
November 30th and your name will be entered in a draw to win a free
registration to the 2006 Canadian Conference on International Health! 

Contacts and Info

>>Synergy online
>>CSIH Homepage

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