Brown Bag Lunch: Community Based Health Information for Cuba
12th Floor meeting room
International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
250 Albert Street
Ottawa, Ontario
Friday, November 12, 1999 at 12:00
Gabriella Caroline Gellrich will be reporting on a CIDA-funded internship
in Cuba, where she explored the feasibility of developing a
community-based health information network as a tool for prevention,
education, health promotion and curative medicine.
The internship was conducted under the auspices of the Canadian Society
for International Health (CSIH), and mentorship of Dr. Sam Lanfranco of
Bellanet and the Distributed Knowledge Project (York U).
All are welcome. Please RSVP to Nancy Hutchinson, (613) 236-6163 ext. 2017,
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Posted by Sam Lanfranco <[log in to unmask]>