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Date: | Wed, 26 Mar 2003 19:16:01 -0500 |
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The April 10, 11 provincial conference on Fetal Alcohol Exposure is
filling up quickly, however registration space is still available. If
you are interested participating in this exciting conference you will
find registration information at the following website: Alcohol.
This 2 day conference will take place in Toronto and includes a wide
range of exhibits and sessions.
Topic areas include the following:
International FAS Day
Community Based FASD Prevention
FAS Prevention Research
FAS 101
Supporting Pregnant Women
Alcohol and Pregnancy Campaigns
Breaking the Cycle Program
Motherisk Services
Role of Physicians
Applications of National Survey Results
Alcohol Policies
Working with Younger Children
Strategies for Teaching Children
Emerging Ontario Issues
Aboriginal Issues
Parent Support Strategies
Sensory Integration
Winnipeg Diagnostic Team
Supporting Educational Strategies
Ethical Perspectives
Adolescent Issues
Teamwork, Case Management
Parenting with FAS
Wendy Burgoyne
Health Promotion Consultant
Best Start: Ontario's Maternal, Newborn
and Early Child Development Resource Centre
Box 698, 54 Broadway Ave
Tel: 1-705-856-2997
Fax: 1-705-856-1320
Email: [log in to unmask]
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Don't forget to register for our Fetal Alcohol Exposure Conference
'Time to Know, Time to Act' on April 10-11 2003,
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