Mon, 24 Oct 1994 12:27:35 -0400
"MONGIOVI, GARY V"'s message of Mon,
24 Oct 1994 10:26:58 EST < [log in to unmask]>
You may be beating on a dead horse with this laurel and hardy
statement on how Clemens' Finn is nearer to a prejudicial view than
most defenders, against censorship of this work would claim. If we
take your comment, "... virtually all of the white characters, aside
from Huck and Tom, are either fools or evil curs. Jim is depicted as
a decent and honorable person, as are most of the other black
characters," and through deconstructive theorizing comprehend that
such reverse discrimination is truly an attempt at belittling Blacks
through the anti-thetical use of Black/White and Good/Evil it is clear
that the ignorant must remain unaware of this work. Ignorant readers
might assume, since most of the black characters were good and most of
the white characters were evil, that Twain was speaking out against
errors of the gentile society within which he was raised. Of course
the educated reader would be certain to see the clear error in this
Thank goodness for the academics who filter such anti-empirical
disentropy, with its deconstructive anti-negativeness, from the
positive role model process parameters. Wouldn't want our children to
be programmed to believe that what one says is what one means when
clearly it is not what one says that is meant by saying just the
opposite, right? Your vigilant value structure alert is well heeded.
Mike Koopman