You might want to review the Ontario Medical Association's recent Media
Release and Statement on Tobacco Industry Programs. Although the situation
is slightly different in that these programs were developed by the tobacco
industry rather than just funded by the tobacco industry, I think that it is
an example of the type of programming that they would be willing to fund.
The website address for these are: This is the press release This is a report on
tobacco industry programming.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Danielle Piette" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Friday, March 08, 2002 5:54 AM
Subject: funding by the tobacco industry
> Help needed!
> A new Belgian foundation has received around 2.5 millions dollars
> from the tobacco industry and the same amount from the Federal
> Government for drug prevention (against the advice from Regional
> Governments who are responsible for health promotion).
> There is no proposed ethical control of any sort for the use of
> this money.
> Does anyone have some sort of code of conduct or charter of ethic
> that can help us to propose guidelines for the best use of this
> money?
> Many thanks
> Danielle
> .
> Prof. Danielle Piette
> Université Libre de Bruxelles Free University of
> Brussels (ULB)
> Ecole de Santé Publique School of Public Health
> Promotion Education Santé Health Promotion &
> (ULB-PROMES) Education Unit
> Route de Lennik 808, CP569
> B.- 1070 Brussels, Belgium
> Tel: +32.(0)2.555.4081
> Fax: +32.(0)2.555.4049
> http//
> http//
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