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Tue, 4 Jan 2011 14:05:56 -0500
Good lord.
I didn't know Alan was doing this but I guess it doesn't surprise me. It
generates a lot of talk though doesn't it? Seems like it would make a good
classroom discussion.
(Although, I tried to get my CORE class to discuss the violence over the
Danish cartoons of Muhammed and I got a lot of shrugging - like, what's the
big deal? So maybe I'm not a judge of what makes for a good classroom
discussion. It seemed like Worlds Colliding to me.)
I tried to look at all the comments to see if we knew anyone but I ran out
of steam.
On purely aesthetic grounds the thought of this sort of thing makes me
cringe. I can hear the dialogue in my head and I know I'd be mumbling and
swearing to myself as I went along, mentally re-inserting the original.
On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 1:28 PM, Michael Kiskis <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> A former student sent me this link to a story about a new edition of Huck
> --
> to be edited by Alan Gribben. If you read the story, scroll down to read
> the variety of comments.
> --
> Michael J. Kiskis
> Leonard Tydings Grant Professor of American Literature
> Elmira College
> One Park Place
> Elmira, NY 14901
Mark Woodhouse
Head of Technical Services
College and Mark Twain Archivist
Elmira College
One Park Place
Elmira NY 14901
607 735 1869