Mon, 12 Dec 2005 20:45:22 -0500
Is it possible for all this whining about the minimal amount of advertising
we've seen on the Forum to cease? I don't care if Forum members are involved
in commercial interests and let us know about their inventory--if I'm
interested in Twain memorabilia, books, etc., then this is a good place to
find out. I don't care if a fellow subscriber or an unrelated vendor has the
merchandise. If it's Twain, it's Twain and belongs here. What doesn't is all
the self-serving back-and-forth personal assaults. For the first time in a
decade, when I see a message from this Forum, I cringe and hover over the
delete button. Perhaps, as on other lists, it's time to ask posters to put
an OT before any topics in the subject line to indicate something
off-topic--in this case, off-Twain. What I've been reading is ridiculous,
and embarrassing, especially for this allegedly educated audience. Isn't
their another venue where you guys can brawl?
Wes Britton