Mon, 7 May 2001 09:12:07 -0700
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One thing that the conversation on the Mark Twain Awards has brought
to the surface is the fact that, other than liking Twain, we may not
agree on much, particularly when it comes to contemporary comedians.
One point, that the awards mainly focus on stand up comics and not
literary comedians, is well taken. So here's a suggestion: the Mark
Twain Forum issue it's own award -- we'll call it "The Jumping Frog"
-- for outstanding humorous and satiric writing, and then we can
fight like hell to decide who gets it. The last Forum member left
alive gets to give the stuffed frog.
Nevertheless, the whole awards conversation has been one of the
liveliest in recent memory. Are there perhaps things about Twain
that may raise hackles as well?
Jim Riordan and others offering insights on the skating lecture have
been amazing. I should have known about "tilters" -- and now I do.
Hilton Obenzinger