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To: GENSALUD < [log in to unmask]>,
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African Evaluators Association < [log in to unmask]>,
Libby Skolnik < [log in to unmask]>,
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Young Peoples Sexual Health
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CHILD2015 < [log in to unmask]>,
"Children, Youth, and Economic Strengthening"
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CORE Child Survival Community Listserv < [log in to unmask]>,
IYWG < [log in to unmask]>, [log in to unmask] |
Parts/Attachments: |
MEASURE Evaluation, a USAID-funded project, supports improvements in
monitoring and evaluation population, health and nutrition worldwide.
Please find announcements of upcoming workshops and new publications below.
MEASURE Evaluation is looking for examples of field application of
supportive supervision/facilitation techniques to monitoring and evaluation
of community-based health programs. Selected case studies will be
included in a case study and recommendations document to illustrate how to
use supportive supervision with community-based HIV programs so as
strengthen programs’ collection and use of routine monitoring information.
Please contact Jessica Fehringer at [log in to unmask] if you have an
example to share. Note that examples are not limited to HIV programs and
can cover any health topic area. Please provide a brief summary of the
example in your contact email.
*Evaluating the Impact of Programs on Child and Household Well-being *
Please join MEASURE Evaluation’s Senior M&E Advisor for Orphans and
Vulnerable Children, Jenifer Chapman, for a Child Status Net webinar. She
will discuss a set of OVC program outcome evaluation tools currently being
developed by MEASURE Evaluation in partnership with USAID and stakeholders.
The webinar discussion will be held at 9am EST on April 25th.
Find webinar information at <>
*Improving Routine Health Information Systems*
The African Centre for Advanced Studies in Management (CESAG) in Dakar,
Senegal, in partnership with MEASURE Evaluation, will hold a workshop on
Improving Routine Health Information Systems in Francophone Africa.
The course is designed for French-speaking, government, NGO and staff
responsible for management of health services, RHIS and M&E at national-
and sub-national levels.
Deadline to apply is April 13, 2012.
Find application information at <>
*M&E of Malaria Programs Workshop *
MEASURE Evaluation, in partnership with the School of Public Health,
University of Ghana, is pleased to announce a Monitoring and Evaluation of
Malaria Workshop for health professionals in Africa.
This workshop is targeted at national and sub-national level malaria
personnel, especially those responsible for gathering, analyzing, and using
program-related data, and NGO and USAID Mission personnel responsible for
oversight of malaria programs, especially in the areas of reporting,
monitoring and evaluation. Country teams are encouraged to apply.
Application deadline is April 13, 2012.
Find application information at <>
*Regional Workshop on Impact Evaluation of PHN Programs in Cuernavaca,
Mexico *
MEASURE Evaluation tiene el agrado de anunciar un taller sobre Evaluación
de Impacto de Programas de Población, Salud y Nutrición, el cual está
dirigido a profesionales hispanohablantes. El taller es co-patrocinado por
el Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública (INSP) de México y el Proyecto
MEASURE Evaluation.
El taller brinda capacitación intensiva y práctica en la evaluación de
impacto de programas. El taller está dirigido a profesionales que trabajen
en actividades relacionadas con la evaluación de programas de población,
salud y nutrición.
Las solicitudes de participación en el taller deben ser presentadas en la
INSP antes del 20 de abril del 2012.
Find application information at <>
*Modeling Climate Change, Food Security, and Population *<>* *
We developed a computer simulation model to help clarify the dynamic
relationships between climate change, food security, and population growth.
The aim was to develop a model that would be simple enough to adapt to a
country and that could be used at the policy level to introduce population
issues into the dialogue on adaptation to climate change in the context of
food security. The resulting model links a population projection, a
sophisticated economic model that takes account of the effects of climate
change on agriculture, and a food requirements model that uses Food and
Agricultural Organization formulas.
* *
*Mortality in Mozambique: Results from a 2007–2008 Post-Census Mortality
Survey *<>* *
This report presents key findings from the Inquérito Sobre Causas de
Mortalidade (INCAM) regarding leading causes of death in Mozambique by
basic demographic characteristics, including area of residence, age group,
sex and other characteristics, such as the use of health services prior to
*Improving Access to Family Planning Can Promote Food Security in a
Changing Climate *<>
A growing body of evidence indicates that climate change is decreasing the
productivity of many crops around the world, thus exacerbating existing
food security challenges. New research in Ethiopia demonstrates that slower
population growth, achievable by addressing women’s existing needs for
family planning, can play a significant role in promoting future food
security in a climate-altered world.
Like MEASURE Evaluation on Facebook <>
Follow MEASURE Evaluation on Twitter <>
Learn more about MEASURE Evaluation at <>
MEASURE Evaluation, a MEASURE project funded by the U.S. Agency for
International Development (USAID) under terms of Leader with Associates
Cooperative Agreement GHA-A-00-08-00003-00. Views expressed do not
necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the U.S. government. MEASURE
Evaluation is the USAID Global Health Bureau's primary vehicle for
supporting improvements in monitoring and evaluation in population, health
and nutrition worldwide.
Learn more about MEASURE Evaluation at
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plus CANCHID subscription management. CANCHID is a joint service of the Canadian Society for International Health < > and the Distributed Knowledge Project at York University. Queries to: [log in to unmask]