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To: GENSALUD < [log in to unmask]>,
HIF-NET < [log in to unmask]>, IGWG < [log in to unmask]>,
CLICK4HP < [log in to unmask]>, GU-NEW < [log in to unmask]>,
[log in to unmask], HIFA2015 < [log in to unmask]>,
HIPNET < [log in to unmask]>,
IHFAN Forum < [log in to unmask]>,
PartnersGF < [log in to unmask]>,
European NGO's mailing list < [log in to unmask]>,
M&E News < [log in to unmask]>,
PHE < [log in to unmask]>,
African Evaluators Association < [log in to unmask]>,
Erica Nybro < [log in to unmask]>,
Libby Skolnik < [log in to unmask]>,
[log in to unmask], M&E Community
< [log in to unmask]>,
CHILD2015 < [log in to unmask]>,
"Children, Youth, and Economic Strengthening"
< [log in to unmask]>,
CORE Child Survival Community Listserv < [log in to unmask]>,
IYWG < [log in to unmask]>,
[log in to unmask], [log in to unmask],
Young Peoples Sexual Health
< [log in to unmask]>,
AF-AIDS < [log in to unmask]>,
AFRO-NETS < [log in to unmask]>,
KCA-AIDS < [log in to unmask]>,
Nigeria-AIDS < [log in to unmask]>, safaids < [log in to unmask]> |
Parts/Attachments: |
MEASURE Evaluation, a USAID-funded project, supports improvements in
monitoring and evaluation population, health and nutrition worldwide.
Please find announcements of upcoming workshops and new publications below.
*Call for Field Application Success Stories*
MEASURE Evaluation is looking for examples of field application of
supportive supervision/facilitation techniques to monitoring and evaluation
of community-based health programs. Selected case studies will be included
in a case studies and recommendations document to illustrate how to use
supportive supervision with community-based HIV programs so as strengthen
programs’ collection and use of routine monitoring information.
Learn more at <>.
*New “Ask the Gender M&E Expert” Resource Available*
This feature offers field and program staff, M&E professionals, and
individuals working on gender equality an opportunity to engage with
MEASURE Evaluation’s Gender M&E experts on monitoring and evaluation of
health programs with a gender perspective.
Ask your question at <>.
*Findings from a National Situation Analysis of Orphans and Vulnerable
Children in Zambia Webinar*
Please join us for a Child Status Net webinar on the findings from a
national situation analysis of orphans and vulnerable children in Zambia –
a report from the baseline study of the STEPS OVC project. The discussion
will be held at 12pm EST on June 12 and will be led by Mathew Ngunga from
Find out more about the webinar at <>.
*M&E of Population, Health and Nutrition Programs Workshop – Application
Deadline Extended*
USAID’s MEASURE Evaluation Project is pleased to announce a regional
workshop on “Monitoring and Evaluation of Population, Health and Nutrition
Programs,” for English speaking professionals. The workshop is sponsored by
the Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI), New Delhi, India in
collaboration with MEASURE Evaluation.
Applications must be submitted to PHFI by June 17, 2012. The workshop will
be held July 25 – August 3, 2012 in New Delhi, India.
Find out more about this workshop at <>.
*Mapping Community-based Global Health Programs Workshop*
MEASURE Evaluation, a USAID funded project, is hosting this workshop to
bring together community-based M&E advisors, program officers, and thought
leaders working in GIS and community-based delivery of HIV and other health
services. At the meeting, participants will discuss how to best apply
community-based mapping methods and other operations research questions
around the implementation of this relatively new and quickly expanding
technical area.
Learn more at <>.
*M&E of Public Health Programs Workshop – Ile Ife, Nigeria*
Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) skills are fundamental to the process of
designing and implementing programs, analyzing and using data, and
conducting advocacy for population and health programs. In order to build
the capacity of M&E professionals who are actively engaged in the health
sector, a two-week non-degree course will provide training in M&E systems
and the application of M&E data to decision making in population and health
Applications must be submitted by July 6. The workshop will take place
August 6-17 in Ile Ife, Nigeria.
Find out more about this workshop at <>.
*Gender and Health Data and Statistics: An Annotated Resource Guide *<>
Gender-responsive health data are critical for generating evidence on best
practices and for advancing and informing health policies, which will
improve the health of women and families. Global donors and bilateral
agencies have recently expressed an urgent need for interventions,
programs, and policies to address gender equality and other structural
factors that influence health outcomes, particularly with the aim of
improving women’s health. An expert consultation, “A policy dialogue to
strengthen evidence to improve women’s health through gender and health
statistics,” was held in Washington DC, October 25–27 2010 to discuss these
issues. The need for more gender-related health data and statistics was
recognized, along with better access to existing resources. This guide is
an annotated compilation of these resources, developed by MEASURE
Evaluation at the request of USAID’s IGWG and the Department of Gender,
Women and Health of the WHO).
*Etnicidad y Riesgo de VIH en Guatemala *<>
Los mayas y otros grupos indígenas constituyen cerca de la mitad de la
población de Guatemala y las investigaciones que se han realizado
anteriormente arrojan resultados evidentes sobre su alto grado de
marginación con respecto a casi todos los indicadores de salud y bienestar
(Gragnolati and Marini, 2003). Sin embargo, se sabe muy poco sobre el
perfil de riesgo de estos grupos en cuanto al VIH y tampoco se sabe la
diferencia entre dicho perfil y el de la población no indígena. La
determinación de estas diferencias podría servir de base para la asignación
de recursos y para mejorar las estrategias de intervención tendientes
prevenir el VIH en el país.
Con el fin de describir las diferencias en una serie de variables
demográficas y relativas al VIH entre grupos étnicos, se utilizaron los
datos sobre 16,205 mujeres de 15 a 49 años y sobre 6,822 hombres de 15 a 59
años que participaron en la Encuesta Nacional de Salud Materno Infantil
(ENSMI) de 2008-2009. Luego se controlaron factores como la edad, la
educación, la riqueza y otros, usando para ello un modelo de regresión
logística con el fin de investigar la conexión entre la etnicidad y las
probabilidades de una iniciación sexual temprana, un mayor número de
parejas sexuales, el uso del condón, las pruebas de VIH, un conocimiento a
fondo sobre el VIH y las actitudes de aceptación hacia las personas que
viven con VIH (PVV) entre los encuestados.
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Follow MEASURE Evaluation on Twitter <>
Learn more about MEASURE Evaluation at <>
MEASURE Evaluation, a MEASURE project funded by the U.S. Agency for
International Development (USAID) under terms of Leader with Associates
Cooperative Agreement GHA-A-00-08-00003-00. Views expressed do not
necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the U.S. government. MEASURE
Evaluation is the USAID Global Health Bureau's primary vehicle for
supporting improvements in monitoring and evaluation in population, health
and nutrition worldwide.
Learn more about MEASURE Evaluation at
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plus CANCHID subscription management. CANCHID is a joint service of the Canadian Society for International Health < > and the Distributed Knowledge Project at York University. Queries to: [log in to unmask]