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Canadian Network on Health in Development <[log in to unmask]>
"Hutchinson, Sherry" <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 6 Feb 2006 15:14:54 -0500
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Canadian Network on Health in Development <[log in to unmask]>
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Welcome to On the Horizon (OTH), an electronic news capsule from the Horizons Program that features brief descriptions of Horizons publications and events, along with links for more information. This edition of OTH highlights baseline findings from a study to evaluate an adult mentorship program for youth-headed households in Rwanda.

Strengthening the Psychosocial Well-being of Youth-headed Households in Rwanda:
Baseline Findings from an Intervention Trial

For children in Rwanda, the combined effects of the 1994 genocide and the HIV/AIDS pandemic have been devastating, resulting in large numbers of child-headed households. Tulane University School of Public Health, Rwanda School of Public Health, World Vision Rwanda, and the Horizons Program formed a partnership to assess the impact of participation in an adult mentorship program on the psychosocial well-being of youth living in Gikongoro province of Rwanda and of the adult mentors. In addition, the study aims to develop, pilot, and refine a reliable and valid instrument to assess community-based psychosocial interventions. This update presents key findings from the baseline data on psychosocial distress, social support, abuse and maltreatment, and HIV-related knowledge and behaviors among youth heads of households.

Research Update: <>

Horizons is a global operations research initiative designed to: 1) identify and test strategies to improve HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, and care programs; and 2) disseminate research findings and promote their utilization with the aim of replicating and scaling up successful interventions.
Horizons is implemented by the Population Council in partnership with the International Center for Research on Women, the International HIV/AIDS Alliance, PATH, Tulane University, Family Health International, and Johns Hopkins University. Horizons is funded by the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).  

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