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Fri, 16 Aug 2013 13:37:58 -0400
Hopefully they'll read the email carefully. It does say among the email's word salad that the author pays the publisher $30 or $50 a page.
Sent from my iPhone
On Aug 16, 2013, at 10:14 AM, "M. Christine Benner Dixon" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Is there a way to send this warning to other conference presenters who =
> may not be on this mailing list?
> It looks as if they may have mined the conference materials for email =
> addresses.
> Christine
> On Aug 15, 2013, at 11:29 PM, Robert E Stewart wrote:
>> Today I received the following in a carefully designed email. David=20=
>> Publishing is a bait-and-switch scam. You allow them to edit your =
> paper, then you=20
>> get a big bill for their "work". Their use of English [below] should =
> be=20
>> enough warning. I checked--David Publishing is a scamming operation. =
> Yellow=20
>> highlighting is in the original email Bob Stewart
>> =20
>> =20
>> This is a journal entitled Journal of Literature and Art Studies =
> (ISSN=20
>> 2159-5836) published across the United States by David Publishing =
> Company, EL=20
>> MONTE, CA, USA. We are glad to know you have submitted an abstract=20
>> ...[goves the name]...at The Seventh International Conference on the =
> State of Mark=20
>> Twain Studies. We are very interested in your research and would like =
> to=20
>> publish your new paper in our journal. If you have the idea of making =
> our=20
>> journal as a vehicle for your research interests, please send us the =
> English =20
>> electronic version of your paper in MS word format. =20
> M. Christine Benner Dixon
> [log in to unmask]