Sun, 27 Apr 2014 13:26:57 -0700
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Sacramento was almost his last stop on a book tour and I'm glad
I was able to see and hear him here . He read a section of his book, "The
Bohemians: Mark Twain and the San Francisco Writers Who Reinvented American
Literature," which made me and my friends believe he should do the reading
for an audiobook. Wonderful voice and fascinating material. He fielded
the many questions with ease and charmed all who stood in line to get
books signed. (I saw one lady walk away with FIVE of them. For Christmas,
she said.) I was able to pass on a message about fact that the San
Francisco Library bought 27 of them to cover all the branches. That
pleased him because he's spent a lot of time in those libraries. I also
gave him the address if he'd like to join The Mark Twain Forum..
If you missed seeing Ben Tarnoff's presentation anywhere, you can get an
idea of what it was like by visiting his website at:
There is a short video with a marvelous selection of photos plus a sample
of his reading from the book. I also enjoyed that the website included
a summary of the great reviews his book has received.
The Sacramento Bee had published an interview with him so the occasion
was well attended, but I noticed a curious fact. Almost everybody in the
audience was a senior citizen. This makes me wonder, is Mark Twain
accumulating any YOUNG fans? I hope so.
Thought you might want to hear about it.
Arianne Laidlaw