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Mon, 28 Apr 2014 14:25:46 -0400
Tarnoff was on C-Span's Book TV this weekend. He was speaking at City Light
John Muller, 30
author of *Mark Twain in Washington, D.C.: The Adventures of a Capital
On Sun, Apr 27, 2014 at 4:26 PM, Arianne <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Sacramento was almost his last stop on a book tour and I'm glad
> I was able to see and hear him here . He read a section of his book, "The
> Bohemians: Mark Twain and the San Francisco Writers Who Reinvented American
> Literature," which made me and my friends believe he should do the reading
> for an audiobook. Wonderful voice and fascinating material. He fielded
> the many questions with ease and charmed all who stood in line to get
> books signed. (I saw one lady walk away with FIVE of them. For Christmas,
> she said.) I was able to pass on a message about fact that the San
> Francisco Library bought 27 of them to cover all the branches. That
> pleased him because he's spent a lot of time in those libraries. I also
> gave him the address if he'd like to join The Mark Twain Forum..
> If you missed seeing Ben Tarnoff's presentation anywhere, you can get an
> idea of what it was like by visiting his website at:
> There is a short video with a marvelous selection of photos plus a sample
> of his reading from the book. I also enjoyed that the website included
> a summary of the great reviews his book has received.
> The Sacramento Bee had published an interview with him so the occasion
> was well attended, but I noticed a curious fact. Almost everybody in the
> audience was a senior citizen. This makes me wonder, is Mark Twain
> accumulating any YOUNG fans? I hope so.
> Thought you might want to hear about it.
> Arianne Laidlaw
John Muller
202.236.3413 l [log in to unmask]
Capital Community News l Greater Greater Washington l Huffington Post DC
*Frederick Douglass in Washington, D.C: The Lion of Anacostia
History Press, 2012] - Winner of 2013
Mark Twain in Washington, D.C.: The Adventures of a Capital
Correspondent<>[The History Press, October 29,